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School of Humanities

Your foundation for a meaningful career begins with Marywood University’s School of Humanities. Combining outstanding programs in professional fields with a powerful liberal arts orientation, the School of Humanities offers students a solid academic background and preparation to succeed in their chosen field, featuring programs in English, Modern Languages, Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Social Sciences. 

Your options are guided by your aspirations, with an array of majors and minors to select. Our faculty members are committed to your intellectual and professional growth, and you'll also benefit from small class sizes and personal attention. The School’s coursework, internships, study abroad opportunities, advocacy initiatives, and other practical experiences will prepare you for a range of fulfilling careers as well as further graduate study. 

Students are encouraged to embrace the Marywood mission of “learning to live responsibly in an interdependent world,” and each of the programs in the School of Humanities support and demonstrate this vital mission. 

Undergraduate Programs

English Writing (BA)
Criminal Justice (BA)
English Literature (BA)
English Secondary Education (BA)
Environmental Studies - Humanities (BA)
Environmental Studies - Justice (BA)
Environmental Studies - Science (BA)
History (BA)
History/Pre-Law (BA)
Philosophy (BA)
Pre-Law (BA)
Religious Studies (BA)
Sociology (BA)
Spanish (BA)
Spanish Secondary Education (BA)
History Secondary Education (BA)
Bioethics Certificate

Graduate Programs

English Professional Writing (MA)
Criminal Justice (MS)
English Professional Writing Certificate


Middles States Commission on Higher Education

As part of the offerings of Marywood's education unit, our secondary education program in History/Social Sciences is recognized and approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The approval process establishes rigorous standards for program quality and professional educator competency and holds licensed institutions accountable for meeting these standards.  

As part of the offerings of Marywood's education unit, our secondary education programs in English and Spanish are recognized and approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The approval process establishes rigorous standards for program quality and professional educator competency and holds licensed institutions accountable for meeting these standards.  


About The School of Humanities

The Mission of the School of Humanities reflects the Marywood University Mission and Core Values.

School of Humanities Faculty

Rich, Dr. Jeremy M


Bittel, Dr. Helen M

  • Program Coordinator (English and Modern Languages)
  • Director, Center for Transformational Teaching and Learning
  • Associate Professor
  • bittel@marywood.edu
  • 570-348-6211 x2237

Krokus, Dr. Melinda


Hawkins, Sr. Nancy M


Monahan, Dr. Sara J


Seffrin, Dr. Patrick M


Shprintzen, Dr. Adam


Internships are a vital component of all of our social science programs. You'll find plenty of opportunities to put theory into practice in the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre area.

Criminal Justice majors can gain experience in probation and parole at the District Attorney's office and the U.S. Marshals Service. Students in education begin their field experience in their first year, culminating in a senior year student teaching placement. Students in pre-law and public history undertake internships in a variety of settings to help them prepare for their careers.

Our department is committed to helping you develop a global perspective. All majors are encouraged to travel and study abroad, often under the mentorship of faculty members. At Marywood, you can also gain valuable experience by participating in university-sponsored service trips.

Check out the Social sciences PAGE for more related student resources!

Theology Library
Provides a comprehensive treatment of various aspects of theology.

America Magazine
A weekly publication, with selected articles available online.

National Catholic Reporter
A weekly publication, with selected articles available online.

US Catholic
A weekly publication, with selected articles available online.

Documents of Popes, Bishops, and Councils About Justice and Peace
Contains a wealth of documents related to Catholic social justice teachings.

Network: A Catholic Social Justice Lobby
Provides a voice within the Catholic community calling for peace and economic justice.

Bread for the World
Bread for the World seeks justice and the end to hunger.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
The USCCB is an assembly of Catholic Church bishops who work together to unify, coordinate, promote and carry on the work of the Catholic Church in the U.S.

Vatican: The Holy See
Official Web Site of the Vatican.

The Pluralism Project at Harvard University

Biblical Archeology Review
Provides biblical and archeological news and select articles online.

Catholic News Service
Major source of Catholic news.

We offer the following as places to begin a search for material about a philosopher, a philosophical work, ideas, theories, or principles. By no means do the following websites begin to cover the vast number of web sites available in Philosophy.

Check out the Philosophy and religious studies PAGE for more related student resources!

External Libraries

Lackawanna County Library System Library of Congress

Other Resources

F.M. Kirby Center for the Performing Arts - presents the best of the performing arts and entertainment in northeast Pennsylvania.

H-Net is an international interdisciplinary organization of scholars and teachers dedicated to developing the enormous educational potential of the Internet.

Literary Resources on the Net - This site is a collection of links to sites on the Internet dealing especially with English and American literature, excluding most single electronic texts.

The National Endowment for the Arts is a public agency dedicated to supporting excellence in the arts, both new and established; bringing the arts to all Americans; and providing leadership in arts education.

The National Endowment for the Humanities is an independent grant-making agency of the United States government dedicated to supporting research, education, preservation, and public programs in the humanities.

Ninth Art Ninth Art takes a literary view of comic books and includes essays on comics and comic book reviews.

Online Books Page - A list of over 35,000 free books on the web.

Penn Call for Papers website is provided by the Department of English at the University of Pennsylvania as a courtesy to the academic community.

The Pennsylvania Humanities Council inspires a life of learning with speakers, book discussion groups, and grants that enlarge our vision of the world.

Poets & Writers has grown to be the largest nonprofit organization in the country for writers of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction.

Voice of the Shuttle is the premier online destination for the humanities and social sciences, for casual surfers and die-hard researchers alike. It offers deep research links in more than 25 categories.

Modern Languages 

Tips on Studying a Foreign Language

Learning another language is not easy, but most people can learn a second language IF they are willing to put in the necessary time. Here are some practical suggestions for studying effectively, overcoming anxiety, and learning the grammar and skills necessary for success in foreign language classes.

Afraid of That Foreign Language Class? Find out what to expect

Many students erroneously believe that if they are placed in a level beyond 101, it is a death sentence. Some insist that they cannot do the work because they " have forgotten everything" or simply had "a bad teacher in high school". Here at Marywood, you will be placed with other students with similar backgrounds and learning experience. You will be expected to learn what you are taught. If you can speak and understand everything the first day, you will be advanced to the next level. Learning a foreign language is a practical, but exciting journey that will yield many opportunities over your lifetime. The professors are here to guide you each step of the way and to challenge you to excel.

Check out the English and modern languages PAGE for more related student resources!

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Like many adult learners, Peter Howey wouldn't have been able to pursue a masters degree without online courses.
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