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Admissions Office

Invest in Your Future

Academically focused junior and senior high school students can get a head start on college by participating in Marywood University’s pre-collegiate program, MOMENTUM. This dual enrollment program provides qualified high school students with the opportunity to earn college credits at a special rate of $95 per credit hour while completing requirements for high school graduation. Students choose from a wide variety of courses during the summer, fall, and spring semesters. Dual enrollment courses use the same curriculum, assessments, and instructional materials as other college-level courses.

Applying for Dual Enrollment Admission

Courses in the Momentum program are offered at a special rate ($95 per credit hour), providing you a head start on your collegiate career while expanding your interests and creativity.

As a Momentum Student, you are eligible to receive:

  • Privileges to utilize Marywood University’s academic and recreational resources (e.g. library and fitness center).
  • Free parking on campus.
  • A Marywood University ID (This can be used for local university student discounts!)
  • Free admission to most Marywood University athletic, musical, social and cultural events.


  • Submit a completed application to the Momentum Program
  • Request an official high school transcript sent from your School/College Counseling Office to Marywood University Admissions

Apply to Marywood

  • Students should be entering their junior or senior year of high school.
  • Students should be ranked in the top 50% of their high school class or have a 2.75 High School GPA (80%).
  • $95 per credit
  • Course fees, textbooks, and materials vary by courses

ARCH 127 Building Technologies I 3 HYBRID
ART 110 Basic Drawing 3 IN-PERSON
ART 113 History of Art I 3 IN-PERSON
ART 114 History of Art II 3 ONLINE
ART 118 Two-Dimensional Design and Color 3 IN-PERSON
BIOL 110 Principles of Biology 3 ONLINE
BIOL 130 Principles of Anatomy and Physiology 3 ONLINE
BLST 151 Intro to Black Studies 3 IN-PERSON
BUS 111 Principles of Marketing 3 IN-PERSON
BUS 112 Principles of Salesmanship 3 IN-PERSON
BUS 122 Introduction to Hospitality 3 ONLINE
BUS 123 Management and Career Options 3 IN-PERSON
BUS 131 Accounting I 3 IN-PERSON
CHEM 112A ST: Chemistry in Our World 3 ONLINE
CJ 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3 IN-PERSON
CSD 163 Introduction to Communication Disorders 2 IN-PERSON
CSD 164 Phonetics 3 IN-PERSON
DANC 140 Fundamentals of Dance/Movement 3 IN-PERSON
ECON 100 Basic Economics 3 IN-PERSON
ENGL H160 Composition and Rhetoric 3 IN-PERSON
ENGL 180 Introduction to World Literature 3 IN-PERSON
EVST 101 Intoduction to Environmental Studies 3 IN-PERSON
EXSC 115 Basic Aquatics 1 IN-PERSON
EXSC 150 Intro to Ex Sci: Career/Content 3 IN-PERSON
EXSC 111R Weight Liftingand Conditioning 1 IN-PERSON
FREN 101 Elementary French 3 ONLINE
HIST 105 Ethnicity and Diversity in the Modern World 3 IN-PERSON
ITAL 101 Elementary Italian I 3 IN-PERSON
MATH 120 Mathematics in the Liberal Arts 3 IN-PERSON
MATH 130 Mathematics for Contemporary Society 3 IN-PERSON
MATH 160 Analysis of Functions (pre-Calculus) 3 IN-PERSON
MTH 170A Introduction to Music Therapy 2 IN-PERSON
MUSC 101 Understanding and Appreciating Music 3 HYBRID
MUSC 127A Class Piano 2 IN-PERSON
MUSC 163C Beginning Guitar Class I 1 IN-PERSON
ND 112 Nutrition I 3 IN-PERSON
PHIL 113 Introduction to Philosophy 3 IN-PERSON
PHYS 112 Introduction to Astronomy 3 IN-PERSON
RESP 110 Physics for Respiratory Care 3 IN-PERSON
RESP 110 Physics for Respiratory Care 2 ONLINE
RST 112 Modern Belief 3 IN-PERSON
SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I 3 IN-PERSON
SPAN 103 Advanced Elementary Spanish I 3 IN-PERSON
SW 145 Foundations of Social Work 3 IN-PERSON
SW 150 Introductory Social Work Field Experience 1 IN-PERSON
THEA 113 Introduction to Theatre 3 IN-PERSON
THEA 114 Stagecraft 3 IN-PERSON

Apply for Summer 2025 Courses

Earn credits while in high school at significantly reduced prices! Review the Application Process and Requirement sections to begin your Momentum application.

Course listings for Summer 2025 are available at the link below. 

Schedule of Classes

Pre-Collegiate Counselor

Perry, Edward J


Admissions Events

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How Do We Keep Marywood Affordable?

99% of full-time students receive financial aid 75% of our recent incoming class received a scholarship worth more than half of their tuition.

Marywood offers a variety of scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study opportunities to assist you in meeting educational costs, adding up to more than $31 Million in institutional aid each year.

99% of full-time students receive financial aid, with 75% of our recent incoming class receiving a scholarship worth more than half of their tuition.

Marywood students can take advantage of institutional aid, grants (which do not need to be paid back), Federal Pell Grants, and even work study employment.

All of this means that you have a great opportunity to receive financial aid—and that’s what makes Marywood an affordable investment.