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Military and Veterans Services

Applying for Veteran Students 

The $35 application fee is waived when you submit through the Marywood online application or Common Application.

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Admissions & Education Benefits Information

After you've applied for admission and been accepted by Marywood University, obtain your education benefits by following these steps:
  1. First apply to Marywood University by filling out the Free application to veteran students using the Common Application or Marywood Application

  2. Apply for VA education benefits using the following link and follow the prompts: (ex: CH 33  Post 911-GI Bill® or CH 35 Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance (DEA).  Apply for benefits
  3. Once you receive your Certificate of Eligibility from the VA please send a copy to for your file.

  4. Before the start of each semester, please fill out the following form. Military and Certification Enrollment Form (attachment) and send it to or stop by the office in the Learning Commons Room 174. This form allows the Office of Military and Veteran Service to process your benefit request. Requests can not be processed through the VA without this request each semester.

  5. Schedule a visit click here to schedule a visit.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at

1. How to apply for VA Educational benefits:

a. Chapter 33 Post 911 benefits or Chapter 35 Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance (DEA). 

Apply for CH 33 and CH 35 benefits 

b. Chapter 31 Veteran Readiness and Employment.

Apply for VR&E benefits


Yes, we are a proud Yellow Ribbon School! This program helps pay school tuition and fees that are not covered by the Post 911-GI Bill®. This does not cover Room and Board charges. 

 Who is Eligible? 

  • Members using CH 33 benefits at the 100% benefit level are automatically enrolled so there is nothing the member needs to do

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at

Airforce ROTC Training Program

Marywood-airforce-rotc.pngAFROTC is a professional training program for college students in any major. The classes are at no cost to the student and meet just 1 day per week (Thursdays). The program provides students the opportunity to develop and practice leadership & team-building skills, along with a wide range of professional qualities that will be beneficial no matter what career path they choose.

The program is open to any full-time (12+ credit hours) college student attending a college in Northeastern PA, including:

      • Bloomsburg University                                    
      • Marywood University
      • East Stroudsburg University                          
      • Misericordia University
      • Kings College                                                       
      • PSU – Hazleton, Scranton & Wilkes-Barre Extensions
      • LCCC                                                                        
      • University of Scranton

The AFROTC program consists of 2 classes and a group fitness session, all meeting weekly on Thursday evenings.

      • Academic Class (1 hour/week) 2:30 – 3:20PM
      • Leadership Laboratory (2 hours/week) 4 – 6PM
      • Group Fitness Session (1 hour immediately following Leadership Lab) 6 – 7 PM

During the program, students are afforded various opportunities and experiences at NO COST to create a unique & memorable college experience, develop and practice hands-on leadership skills, and receive expert mentoring from trained Air Force faculty in an environment that encourages students to develop and grow to their fullest potential. Students will make personal connections with peers from different institutions and make friendships outside of their major.  It is an excellent opportunity for peer mentoring and to be engaged in a welcoming and positive support network that strives for excellence.

Air Force ROTC Can Help Pay for College and Jumpstart Your Career

As a member of Air Force ROTC, you will enjoy college life just like any other student! There are a variety of paths available to students, with varying obligations, outcomes, and options.

      • You can wait until your junior year to decide if you want to commit to becoming an Air Force officer
      • AFROTC works closely with the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve should you decide you wish to continue your Air Force affiliation part-time or locally after graduation.
      • We offer a wide variety of AFROTC scholarships to both high school & college students (full & partial tuition)

Should you choose to continue in the AFROTC program for active duty, students who apply and qualify will have a guaranteed, full-time professional career serving in a leadership role (not entry level) as an Air Force Officer post-graduation in a career field based on their educational background and experience.

Aerospace Studies Course Descriptions

The descriptions cover the material for the entire year’s course of study at each level (100, 200, 300, and 400). So there are two classes at each level (Fall and Spring)

AS100 (1 credit hour courses: AS101 in the Fall and AS 102 in the Spring), "Heritage and Values," is a survey course designed to introduce students to the Department of the Air Force (DAF) and provides an overview of the basic characteristics, missions, communications and organization of the Air and Space Forces.

AS200 (1 credit hour courses: AS201 in the Fall and AS 202 in the Spring), "Team and Leadership Fundamentals," provides a fundamental understanding of both leadership and team building. The lessons and course flow are designed to prepare students for field training and leadership positions in the detachment.

AS300 (3 credit hour courses: AS301 in the Fall and AS 302 in the Spring), "Leading People and Effective Communication," utilizes student’s field training experience to take a more in-depth look at leadership. Special emphasis is placed on enhancing communication skills, and why that is important as a leader. Students have an opportunity to try out these leadership and management techniques in a supervised environment as juniors and seniors.

AS400 (3 credit hour courses: AS401 in the Fall and AS 402 in the Spring), "National Security and Preparation for Active-Duty" is designed for college seniors and provides them the foundation to understand their role as military officers and how they are directly tied to our National Security Strategy. It is an overview of the complex social and political issues facing the military profession and requires a measure of sophistication commensurate with the senior college level.

Leadership Laboratory Course Description: Leadership Laboratory (LLAB) is a dynamic and integrated grouping of leadership developmental activities designed to meet the needs and expectations of prospective Department of the Air Force second lieutenants and complement the AFROTC academic program. It is a student-planned, organized, and executed practicum conducted under the supervision of the Detachment Commander and Operations Flight Commander.

Physical Training Description: Group physical fitness training, led by cadets.

Field Training Description: During the summer between sophomore and junior year, cadets participate in Field Training, a two-week encampment that includes physical conditioning, weapons, and survival training. Field Training is held at Maxwell AFB, AL. While at Field Training cadets are evaluated on their leadership potential and provided with the opportunity to expand their skills as both a leader and team members.

Contact the AFROTC department and we will take care of the registration. We Welcome Visitors!  To schedule an in-person tour at our offices in Wilkes-Barre, PA, please contact us at 570-408-4860 or email at: to set up an appointment that fits with your schedule.

Contact AFROTC

ROTC students (cadets) can come from any academic program. As part of their college experience, cadets take Military Science courses in addition to their normal academic workload. These courses are at no cost and offered to provide students the leadership skills and military understanding they need to become future Officers in the United States Army. The Royal Warrior Battalion is composed of Cadets from 10 colleges and universities located throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania. Students from Marywood University would travel to the University of Scranton where ROTC is housed to complete their military training courses. 

There is no military or financial obligation to try ARMY ROTC for the first two years.

For additional information, please contact:

Mr. Bill Ramsey

Recruiting Operations Officer


Marywood University recognizes that people learn in a variety of settings and that some students approach the university experience with college-level learning acquired outside the traditional classroom.

Academic credit or waiver for other college-level learning can be awarded through a variety of programs, such as standardized testing through: Joint Services Transcripts (JSTs) and Community College of the Air Force

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) provides people with the opportunity to gain college credit in general academic areas, as well as in foreign language, by performing well on specific written tests. The tests measure knowledge gained through life experiences during travel, work, military service, etc. Information on CLEP exams may be obtained by contacting the Coordinator of Prior Learning Assessment at Marywood.

Those who wish to be considered for advanced status through CLEP should take the CLEP examinations and request the test scores be reported directly to Marywood University.

CEEB code number: 2407

Defense Activity for Nontraditional Education Support (DANTES) is another nationally recognized testing program that affords individuals the opportunity to receive college credit for learning acquired outside the traditional college classroom. Those who have military experience may gain college credits by obtaining a recommended score on the DANTES subject standardized tests. DANTES supports CLEP and DSST exams.

For more information please contact:

Loi Orr

The Coordinator of Prior Learning Assessment

(570) 348-6266


Marywood University adheres to the principles outlined in the "Joint Statement on the Transfer and Award of Credit" recommended by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, American Council on Education and Council for Higher Education Accreditation. Marywood subscribes to the standards for quality assurance set forth by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning.

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