Dr. Karen Rich
Associate Professor
School of Social Work
570-348-6211 x2395
Immaculata Hall 208
Courses taught:
Theory and Practice of Social Work I
Practice II: SW Practice With Groups
Social Work Practice With Children
Family Focused Social Work Practice
SW Perspective on Trauma: Theory & Prac
Human Sexuality: Issues for Social Work
Karen Rich, LCSW, PhD, has worked as a clinician for over 20 years, treating victims of child abuse, sexual assault, partner violence and other sources of psychological trauma. She has focused her research on police responses to sexual assault reports, police officer collaboration with victim advocates, secondary trauma and social support for survivors of campus rape, and victimization of people with physical disabilities. She is certified in EMDR, ART and other brief modalities for processing trauma. She has served as a Board member for several organizations focused on trauma, violence, policing, social work and victim advocacy. She teaches elective courses based on trauma as it impacts individuals, families and children, and sexuality. Dr. Rich is a strong supporter of the arts as a mechanism for building community and providing group catharsis for traumatic events. She is involved in ongoing study and practice of psychodrama/ art therapy.
Presentations and Publications
Rich, K. (2020). Advances and Obstacles in Police Responses to Rape. Ch. 26 in Geffner, Vieth, Vaughan-Eden, Rosenbaum, Hamberger, White (Eds). Encyclopedia of interpersonal violence across the lifespan. NY: Springer
Rich, K. & Garza, M. (2020). Introduction to Trauma Informed Care; Issues, Obstacles and Future Definitions. Ch. 20 in Geffner, Vieth, Vaughan-Eden, Rosenbaum, Hamberger, White (Eds). Encyclopedia of interpersonal violence across the lifespan. NY: Springer
Rich, K. (2019). Trauma Informed approaches in police work with rape survivors. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma 28(5) 535-550.
Garza, M., Rich, K. & Omillion, S. (2020). A trauma informed call to action: Culturally informed, multi-disciplinary theoretical and applied approaches to prevention and healing. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma 28(5) 519-531.
Rich, K., Seffrin, P. & McNichols, E. (2021). College students' responses to their sexually assaulted friends: Importance of rape myth acceptance and previous victimization. Archives of Sexual Behavior 50(1):263-275.
Rich, K. & Seffrin, P. (2023). Justice with aloha? Police interviews of sexual assault reporters in Hawaii. Police Quarterly (Under Review).