The Center for Natural and Health Sciences (CNHS) is equipped with seven large teaching laboratories.
- laboratory space for teaching labs, equipped with ductless fume green hoods
- an environmental wet laboratory/greenhouse
- five dedicated research laboratories
- state-of-the-art anatomy and physiology laboratory houses virtual dissection Anatomage table

Autoclaves Autoclaves are pressure chambers that sterilize equipment, perform scientific experiments, or carry out industrial processes using high pressure steam.

Gel & Blot Imaging System The ChemiDoc XRS+ System features high-sensitivity detection for a wide range of methods including fluorescence and densitometry.
The ChemiDoc XRS+ system is based on CCD high-resolution, high-sensitivity detection technology and modular options to accommodate a wide range of samples and support multiple detection methods including fluorescence, colorimetry, densitometry, chemiluminescence, and chemifluorescence. The system is controlled by Image Lab™ software to optimize imager performance for fast, integrated, and automated image capture and analysis of various samples.
The system accommodates a wide array of samples, from large handcast polyacrylamide gels to small ReadyAgarose™ gels and various blots. The system is an ideal accompaniment to PCR, purification, and electrophoresis systems, enabling image analysis and documentation of restriction digests, amplified nucleic acids, genetic fingerprinting, RFLPs, and protein purification and characterization.

Genetic Analyzer DNA Sequencing machine

Incubator Shakers Innova 42 stackable incubated shakers provide broad temperature capabilities for culturing a wide variety of organisms in flasks up to 3 L

Inverted Fluorescent Microscope Nikon TE 2000U Inverted Fluorescent Microscope with Normarski D/C components and digital imaging capabilities.

Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (LC-MS) Used in microbiology, molecular biology, proteomics, and drug testing, liquid chromatography mass spectrometers can be used for microorganism detection, protein sequencing, analysis, and research. The LC part separates the sample into its components, which are ionized and sent through the mass spectrometer for identification.

Spectrophotometers The spectrophotometer is an instrument that can be adjusted to illuminate a sample with a specific wavelength of light. The spectrophotometer then measures the amount of light energy that is absorbed or transmitted by the sample.
The Hach DR 5000 UV-Vis Laboratory Spectrophotometer offers a broad range of water analysis methods with more than 240 pre-programmed tests.

Thermal Cycler The thermal cycler is a laboratory apparatus most commonly used to amplify segments of DNA via the polymerase chain reaction.