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Fulbright Grants

Join the ranks of other Marywood students who have earned the status of Fulbright scholar!

If you are a student who has a GPA of 3.2 or higher, has an interest in learning about people in other parts of the world, and welcomes opportunities for hands-on learning, you are encouraged to consider applying for the Fulbright program.

It’s never too soon to inquire about the Fulbright program. Your Marywood support team will guide you based on your status. Freshmen are encouraged to become familiar with the application itself, consider what programs/countries are of interest to them, and begin taking steps to best position themselves as a candidate. Sophomores will be given similar guidance, along with advice on how to effectively round out your qualifications. Juniors will receive hands-on support as well, working with members of the Fulbright Committee to review materials and prepare for interviews. The Marywood Fulbright Committee will be with you every step of the way.

Fulbright Grants

Who Can Apply?

Seniors and recent graduates

Graduating seniors and recent bachelor's degree recipients who have some undergraduate preparation and/or direct work or internship experience related to the project.

Master's and doctoral candidates

Graduate-level candidates must demonstrate the capacity for independent study or research, together with a general knowledge of the history, culture, and current events of the countries to which they are applying.

Young professionals, including writers, creative and performing artists, journalists, and those in law, business and other professional fields. 


The Fulbright U.S. Student Program provides grants for individually designed study/research projects or for English Teaching Assistant Programs.  A candidate will submit a Statement of Grant Purpose defining activities to take place during one academic year in a participating country outside the U.S.

Fulbright Grants fund 8-12 months of international experience in 155 countries. While Fulbright Grants are offered in various forms and are country-specific, they fall into three broad categories (most countries offer more than one option):

  • Research grants offer applicants the opportunity to design and define their own programs. Projects may include independent research, field work, or a combination of activities.
  • English Teaching Assistantships (ETAs), which may or may not require knowledge of the host country language and include time for additional activities. Interest in engagement with the host country is particularly sought.
  • Some countries support applicants to pursue a degree, complete university courses, or take classes in a music conservatory or art school.

The Fulbright Grant desires applications from candidates who seek to engage with the people of the country in which they seek to study or work. Candidates interested in the Fulbright should explore the extremely informative Fulbright website to learn more about Application Components, receive valuable tips on applying, determine which countries they might wish to consider, and decide which program within a country might be right for them.

Fulbright also has a number of special programs:

  • Fulbright National Geographic Digital Storytelling (NGS)
  • Fulbright mtvU (has its own application timetable)
  • Fulbright-Clinton (for young professionals in public policy)
  • Fulbright Fogarty (for young professionals in public health)

Some countries also have special opportunities in journalism and business. 

The Critical Language Enhancement Awards are available for additional time to learn languages of interest to US national security.

The US-UK Fulbright Commission offers special Summer Institutes for US citizens to come to the UK.  These summer programs provide the opportunity for US undergraduates (aged over 18), with at least two years of undergraduate study left to complete, to come to the UK on a three-, four-, five- or six-week academic and cultural summer program.

Participants in these programs will get the opportunity to experience an exciting academic program at a highly regarded UK University, explore the culture, heritage, and history of the UK and develop their academic ability by improving presentation, research and communication skills.

More Information on How to Apply

Fulbrighters have the opportunity through their daily experiences to meet, work, live with, and learn from the people of the host country.  The program facilitates cultural exchange through direct interaction in the classroom, field, home, and in everyday life, allowing Fulbrighters to gain an appreciation of other cultures and belief systems. Through engagement in the community, Fulbrighters interact with their hosts on a one-to-one basis in an atmosphere of openness, academic integrity, and intellectual freedom, thereby promoting mutual understanding.

The Fulbright experience stays with participants for life, providing opportunities through networking, and adds rich experience to participants’ resumes.

As part of the award, Fulbright provides a number of benefits:

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program grant numbers are subject to the availability of federally appropriated funds. The United States Department of State reserves the right to alter, without notice, participating countries, numbers of awards, terms of agreement, and allowances.

Grant benefits for all Fulbright U.S. Student grants include:

  • round-trip transportation to the host country
  • funding to cover room, board, and incidental costs, based on the cost of living in the host country
  • Accident & sickness health benefits

In some countries, grants may also include:

  • book and research allowances*
  • mid-term enrichment activities
  • full or partial tuition
  • language study programs
  • pre-departure and in-country orientations.

*Grantees with projects that require extensive research support, in-country travel, study materials, or equipment should explore additional funding from other sources to supplement the Fulbright funding.

Application deadlines are on the Fulbright website. In order to allow time to provide support for its candidates, Marywood University follows an on-campus application cycle. The application phase for 2016-2017 has passed, and the next opportunity to apply will be during the 2017-2018 academic year for travel in 2018-2019. Please stay tuned for exact dates- if you're interested, email NOW to get on a list for updated info as it comes out!

Once you have indicated your interest in applying, the Fulbright Committee will provide hands-on support through the entire application process. A complete application includes all Fulbright application materials: Fulbright application form, including short answers, statement of grant purpose, personal statement, research plans, three recommendations, language evaluations, transcripts, and any additional required materials.

Campus interviews take place in September/early October. This interview and the evaluation are intended to be supportive, rather than a screening step. For this reason, candidates are strongly urged to take advantage of Marywood's resources to assist with the process.

By the end of January, candidates will be notified of their status after a preliminary national screening. Candidates recommended by the national screening panels have their application transmitted to the supervising agencies abroad for further review. Final selection for Fulbright Grants is made by the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board. Notifications are sent directly from the U.S. Fulbright Program on a rolling basis by country, typically in March and April. Grantees usually receive notification of the final decision by May.

The Marywood University Fulbright Adviser and Fulbright Committee will assist candidates during each stage of the application process from inquiry through application.

Selection is made on the basis of the applicant's academic or professional record, language preparation, the feasibility and specificity of the proposed project, commitment and motivation, as well as personal qualifications.

Applicants must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen at the time of application
  • Hold a bachelor's degree before the beginning date of the grant
  • Have a strong academic record and appropriate preparation to conduct their chosen project or teach English
  • Have a plan to engage with the people of the country in which they wish to live.

Note: Graduating seniors, graduate or professional students, or alumni of any age are encouraged to apply. Applicants can apply to only one Fulbright program in any year. Applicants may not hold a doctoral degree.

The most important components of the application are:

  • Two-page statement of grant purpose (single-spaced) articulating the research project or plan of study and its feasibility. For ETA applicants, this statement should be one page. For National Geographic Digital Storytelling (NGS) applicants, it should be three pages.
  • One-page personal statement
  • Three letters of recommendation, two of which are usually from professors in the applicant's proposed area of study. Exceptions are common. ETA applications require a recommendation form, not an open-ended letter
  • Official transcript from every college attended
  • Language proficiency report, to be completed by a language instructor whenever possible. May not be required in all cases
  • Research grants require a letter of affiliation, usually from a scholar at a university or research institution in the host country.

2016 Winner

Dr. Barabara Parker-Bell

Dr. Parker-Bell, who teaches art therapy at Marywood University, was awarded a Fulbright Teaching/Research Scholarship at Tomsk State University, Siberia, Russian Federation.

2016 Winner

Katlyn Beaton

Katlyn Beaton, who earned both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Marywood University, will teach English in Andorra, southwestern Europe, beginning in August 2016.

2014 Winner

Rebecca Schwalb

Rebecca Ann Schwalb was awarded a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship in South Korea

2013 Finalist

Ilze Spilde

Ilze applied for a Fulbright grant to teach English in her home country of Latvia.

2013 U.K. Summer Institute Selection

Lindsey Schroth

Lindsey studied for six weeks at Cardiff, Bangor, and Aberystwyth Universities.

2012 Finalist

Jonathan Najarian

Jonathan, a third generation Armenian-American, developed an interest in urban development when his great-grandfather, a survivor of the Armenian genocide, emigrated to Cambridge, MA, and founded a grocery store called "Fresh Pond Market."

2012 Finalist

Kelsey Knight

Kelsey's interest in secondary education led her to apply for a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship, hoping to work with English language learners in Malaysia.

Fulbright Programs for Faculty

The Fulbright Scholar Program is open to qualified University faculty. Applicants may apply for four different types of awards:

Core Fulbright Program

The Core Fulbright Program sends 800 faculty and professionals abroad to teach in a variety of academic and professional settings. Awards are available in many countries and can be searched using the Fulbright Scholar Program catalog.

Fulbright Specialist Program

The Fulbright Specialist Program is a short-term program of 2-6 weeks for U.S. faculty and professionals to work on projects focusing on strengthening the needs of host institutions. Faculty may apply to join a Roster of Specialists for a 5-year term. Roster candidates are reviewed by peers in the same discipline and by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FSB).

Fulbright NEXUS Regional Scholar Program

The Fulbright NEXUS Regional Scholar Program connects junior scholars, professionals, and mid-career applied researchers from the U.S. and other nations to participate in three seminar meetings and a Fulbright exchange experience.

Fulbright Distinguished Chairs Program

The Fulbright Distinguished Chairs Program is considered the most prestigious. Applicants should be senior scholars and have experience in publication and considerable teaching experience.

Learn more about the Fulbright Scholar Program for faculty

  • U.S. citizenship (permanent residency is not sufficient)
  • Ph.D. or equivalent professional degree (depending on the field of study, this may include master's degrees)
  • College and university teaching awards require the applicant to have experience teaching at the level of the award
  • Foreign language proficiency
  • Sound physical and mental health

Eligibility requirements may vary. Specific program eligibility requirements should be verified before applying. Candidates are ineligible if they have resided abroad for five or more consecutive years in a six-year period.