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Physician Assistant

Admissions Requirements

The Physician Assistant (PA) program at Marywood University is committed to excellence in the training of students to provide both primary care and specialized health care in a variety of health care settings. The PA Program provides students the foundation for professional growth through personalized attention, diverse clinical experience, and a commitment to excellence. Our students are encouraged to incorporate Marywood University’s goal of learning to live and practice medicine responsibly in an interdependent world. A Physician Assistant is a highly trained medical professional who works collaboratively with physicians to provide high-quality care to patients. PAs diagnose illness, order diagnostic studies including laboratory studies and x-rays, create treatment plans, prescribe medications, perform medical procedures, and assist in surgery. PAs practice in every state and in every medical setting and specialty, improving healthcare access and quality. 


Biology (Pre-Physician Assistant)
Physician Assistant Program Eligibility Track
Physician Assistant (MS)


The Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA) has granted Accreditation-Continued status to the Marywood University Physician Assistant Program sponsored by Marywood University. Accreditation-Continued is an accreditation status granted when a currently accredited program is in compliance with the ARC-PA Standards.

Accreditation remains in effect until the program closes or withdraws from the accreditation process or until accreditation is withdrawn for failure to comply with the Standards. The approximate date for the next validation review of the program by the ARC-PA will be March 2026. The review date is contingent upon continued compliance with the Accreditation Standards and ARC-PA policy.

Accreditation History »

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If you have any questions about this program, we're here to help. 


100% Pass Rate in 2024

PA Program 5 Year First-Time PANCE Pass-Rate

Become a Preceptor

If you are a Physician, Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, the Marywood PA Program invites you to become a preceptor and share your expertise and knowledge with the next generation of healthcare professionals!


About The Physician Assistant Program

The Marywood PA Program is committed to providing students with an exceptional education in a supportive and nurturing environment. This professional education will include the biomedical and clinical knowledge necessary to diagnose, treat, educate, and empower patients in a variety of settings across the lifespan.

  • The Program is committed to preparing students to deal with the changing healthcare environment while promoting the PA profession.
  • The Program emphasizes the importance of creating a knowledge community for future PA students to succeed while providing leadership to promote the PA profession. 
  • The Program acknowledges that patients are more than his or her physical body; therefore, the Program is dedicated to teaching our students to appreciate the patient’s spirit in addition to caring for his or her body.
  • The Program has an awareness of the need for quality healthcare, both regionally and globally, and the Program prepares each student to embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion; advocate for their patients; serve their communities; and undertake the challenges of an ever-changing healthcare environment.  

Program Goals

Effectiveness in meeting our goals per ARC-PA »

  1. To provide students with the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to be successful, competent physician assistants.
  2. To prepare students to participate as effective members of interdisciplinary healthcare teams in the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and care of diverse populations across the lifespan.
  3. To develop effective interpersonal and communication skills within the medical community.
  4. To encourage students to utilize service opportunities to gain professional experience, enhance their classroom learning, and strengthen their community.
  5. To develop professionalism and leadership skills at the local, state, and national level, shaping future policy and legislation to promote Physician Assistant practice.

Physician Assistant Faculty

Bonavoglia, Dr. Marie S


Cohen-Whitaker, Lindsey Elyse


Kenderes, Rebecca Ann


Robinson, Chelsea A


Welby, Dr. Gretchen


Blondek, Dr. Stanley W


Davis, Abigail Patricia


Eberle, Jessica R


Moyle, Skyler F


Rempe, Kara L


Vannan, Alan


The Physician Assistant Program is housed in the Keith O'Neill Center for Healthy Families. It features a cutting-edge, technology-ready, amphitheater style classroom. The Physical Assessment Lab (PAL) includes 22 exam tables and 5 private exam rooms for practical education and individual testing of history taking and physical examination techniques. In addition, there are X-ray view boxes, operating room scrub sinks and a variety of teaching models.

PA students complete Gross Anatomy Lab at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine, which is 2 miles away from campus. 

Additional in-building areas:

  • Ample interprofessional lounge area with tables and couches
  • All faculty offices located adjacent to the PA classroom

Facilities off campus:

  • Partnership with Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine for Cadaver Dissection lab as part of Human Gross Anatomy Course

Technology features:

  • Through the library students have access to: UptoDate, SmartyPance, Rosh Review, Access Medicine, LWW Health Library textbook platforms

Support Features:

  • Mentor-Mentee program
  • Peer tutoring
  • Academic advising
  • Academic Coaching Program
  • Student Success Program

students standing on steps in building


Marywood University Physician Assistant Student Society. MUPASS is an organization comprised of Physician Assistant students. This organization is committed to increasing awareness of the PA profession and promoting health and wellness on campus, in the community and on a national level. The members of this society will participate in health related awareness activities, conferences as well as encourage service and scholarship by its members.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to find preceptors or clinical sites? 

Students are not required to find preceptors/sites.  

Does Marywood offer Advanced Placement? 

Marywood University's PA Program offers no advanced placement.  

How can I find a PA to shadow?

We require candidates to shadow a PA for a minimum of 50 hours. We do not provide a shadowing service. If you don't already know a PA, you may consider asking a local health care provider, local medical office or area hospital to recommend a practicing PA. Just make sure to first obtain permission from the physician assistant and be aware that you may also need permission from the hospital or clinic, as there are strict patient privacy (HIPAA) issues involved.

If I am chosen, is there an orientation program for new students?

There is a mandatory weeklong orientation that occurs one week prior to the start of Summer classes in May.

How many students are in each cohort?

The PA program is accredited for a maximum of 65 students per cohort. Approximately half of those students come from Marywood’s Pre-PA program, and the remaining half applied through CASPA and completed their bachelor’s degree elsewhere. 

When does the program begin?

The Master of Physician Assistant Studies program is 24 months in duration and begins in May. 

What is a typical student schedule?

This is a full-time program, with no part-time option. During the first year, students will have classes Monday through Friday, generally from 8 a.m. to at least 5 p.m. There may be one or two evening classes per semester as well. While on rotations during the second year, students will go to a new rotation site every five weeks and are expected to fulfill the hours required at different sites, including evenings, weekends, and on-call coverage. A Marywood PA student will complete all of their rotations in 1 year. Students will start in May and end in May prior to graduation from PA school. Students will be scheduled in 10 - 5 week rotation blocks in various specialties. Some specialties are required such as pediatrics, emergency medicine, and internal medicine. Some rotations, such as the elective and clinical track option, are in specialties that the student can choose. 

What kind of support is available for students in the PA program?

We offer a Mentor-Mentee program that matches a Didactic year student with a Clinical year student, as a “mentor” to help guide a new student through the program.  Every student is also assigned a faculty advisor. Advising meetings will occur at least once per semester, at which time the advisor and student will discuss their academic progress. Professionalism assessments will also be performed once per semester, which allows students to perform a self-assessment of their professionalism and receive feedback from their advisor. Marywood’s Counseling/Student Development Center, Office of Student Success, Student Health Services, and Library are also available to PA students.  

Will I be able to work full-time while I am going to PA school at Marywood?

Our program involves an intensive course of didactic and clinical medical education. It is extremely difficult to work during the didactic and/or the clinical phase of the program due to the intensity of the coursework. During the clinical year, most of our students will average 50 or more hours per week in clinical learning activities.

When can I expect to receive an admission decision?

Applicants are notified of an admission decision within approximately two weeks of their interview. Upon acceptance, a $750 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your seat in the program. 

What should I expect if I get placed on the wait list?

The wait list is utilized to fill seats that open after interviews have concluded. Typically, candidates are selected as seats become available. After all expected candidates arrive for orientation in May, those not selected will be sent a final decision letter.

What’s next if you’re offered a seat on the wait list?
  • Confirm if you want to be on the wait list.
  • Those on the wait list can potentially be admitted into the program up until May.
  • Continue with your current experiences and complete your prerequisite courses.
  • Review the website and statistics on admitted students. Re-assess your application to find areas for potential improvement. For example, maybe you had one or two low grades that lowered your overall and/or prerequisite GPA, or maybe you were not involved actively in community service, or merely forgot to include it on your application.
  • Start your process of reapplying for the next admissions cycle. If this is the path you are committed to, then keep trying!
Do my prerequisite courses need to be completed prior to applying?

No, however all applicants must have completed the prerequisite courses prior to matriculation into the program. If you are granted admission, you will need to provide Marywood with your updated transcript and proof of degree completion (if applicable) prior to matriculating into the PA program.

Do I need a Bachelor’s degree prior to applying?

No, however all applicants must have completed their bachelor’s degree prior to matriculation into the program. If you have completed most prerequisites and are in the process of finishing your bachelor’s degree, you may apply and be granted conditional acceptance. Proof of your degree will be required prior to matriculation. 

What is the deadline for application?

The Admissions Cycle opens in mid-April every year, and the deadline for admission is October 1st. Any application that is received or incomplete after that date will not be reviewed and the applicant will be ineligible for consideration during that cycle. 

How do students prepare for PANCE during the clinical year?

Students should be well prepared for the PANCE prior to graduation while completing the Marywood PA Program. Students take the PAEA standardized EOR exams after each rotation, providing them with a detailed breakdown of how they performed in order to strengthen their knowledge on board topics. So students are continually studying for their boards. Students also are provided with end of rotation day lectures on board related topics. Students are given a Mock Boards exam during their clinical year along with the PACKRAT, a standardized testing tool, to help prepare for boards. Students are allowed 1 week off during the clinical year to attend a board review conference of their choice. Lastly, students are provided with a board review course on campus the week of graduation.

Does the program offer job placement services?

The program does not guarantee job placement. Faculty do provide students with any emails/requests they receive for job placements. Faculty also help students write a curriculum vitae and cover letter. They provide lectures on contract negotiations and the interview process. Students are also able to discuss job offers with PA faculty and review of their contracts. 

Does the PA program provide housing at clinical sites?

The PA program does not provide housing at clinical sites. We understand that all medicine does not occur just in Scranton. We want each student to have a diverse clinical experience that will include out of town rotations. 

Can I select any of my own rotations during the clinical year?

Students are not required to set up any rotations on their own. Students are able to make suggestions on rotations they would like to complete either locally or out of the area.

Where are the clinical rotations located?

The clinical rotations can be located anywhere across the United States. 

Featured Pacer Profile

As an aspiring Physician Assistant, my education empowers me to make sure my patients’ voices are heard and to ensure that they are never treated like just a number throughout diagnosis and treatment.
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