To compete, three things must be done. One, complete three courses in philosophy by the end of the Fall semester in the year you are to graduate. Course work counts 10%. Students seeking the Gold Medal must maintain a 3.25 QPA overall as well as in Philosophy.
Two, write an essay of approximately four to eight pages. Essays count 50%. Use proper format, e.g. essay must be typed, double-spaced, title page with name, local address and phone number, and so on. Essays must be submitted to a faculty member of the philosophy program no later than February 1 of graduating year. A submitted essay may be a formal research paper or an informal creative essay, but it must present an argument supporting the student’s opinion on a significant philosophical subject. And it may be a paper that was submitted for a course and revised for the competition or one especially written for the competition. Essays must meet the objectives of the department as stated in the catalog, i.e., you should write a philosophical essay that is a clear, coherent exposition of a concept, problem or theory, which demonstrates the ability to analyze, evaluate and synthesize the matter discussed.
Three, participate as a finalist. To be eligible for an interview as a finalist, a student’s paper must receive an overall assessment as being above average by a majority of the philosophy faculty. Such participation involves an approximately 20 minute informal student-faculty discussion based on your essay and certain specific questions.
- What is philosophy? In the course of your answer be prepared to discuss at least two major areas of philosophy of your choosing (epistemology, ethics, metaphysics, etc.).
- What is the value of philosophy to you personally, and what role will philosophy have in your future?
- From your course work in philosophy, whom do you consider a great philosopher and why?
- What is a significant philosophical position you are convinced is correct? Come ready to explain and defend your conviction.
- Informal discussion, which counts 40%, will be conducted in a relaxed atmosphere. You will be notified regarding specific time and place.
Questions on the competition are available from Dr. Aaron Simmons at
Religious Studies Resources:
Theology Library
Provides a comprehensive treatment of various aspects of theology.
America Magazine
A weekly publication, with selected articles available online.
National Catholic Reporter
A weekly publication, with selected articles available online.
US Catholic
A weekly publication, with selected articles available online.
Documents of Popes, Bishops, and Councils About Justice and Peace
Contains a wealth of documents related to Catholic social justice teachings.
Network: A Catholic Social Justice Lobby
Provides a voice within the Catholic community calling for peace and economic justice.
Bread for the World
Bread for the World seeks justice and the end to hunger.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
The USCCB is an assembly of Catholic Church bishops who work together to unify, coordinate, promote and carry on the work of the Catholic Church in the U.S.
Vatican: The Holy See
Official Web Site of the Vatican.
The Pluralism Project at Harvard University
Biblical Archeology Review
Provides biblical and archeological news and select articles online.
Catholic News Service
Major source of Catholic news.
We offer the following as places to begin a search for material about a philosopher, a philosophical work, ideas, theories, or principles. By no means do the following websites begin to cover the vast number of web sites available in Philosophy.
General Philosophy Websites:
Philosophy Pages provides some excellent introductory material to Philosophy. The site contains a dictionary of philosophical terms, a one-page overview of over thirty philosophers, a section on logic, a guide to the history of Western philosophy, and a timeline for Western philosophers. There are web links virtually everywhere throughout the site, so it is relatively easy to follow through on any specific philosophical quest.
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy contains excellent entries on many philosophers and branches of philosophy.
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy contains good overviews of philosophers' ideas.
Bartleby defines itself as follows: "The preeminent Internet publisher of literature, reference and verse providing students, researchers and the intellectually curious with unlimited access to books and information on the web, free of charge." Check it out.
Religious Tolerance offers a general view of the controversy concerning physician-assisted suicide as well as statistics.
The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS is the main advocate for global action on HIV and AIDS.
The National Transplant Society provides current statistics and background information on the allocation of transplantable organs in the United States.
The United Network for Organ Sharing offers information on and explanation of organ sharing with "quick links" to data and resources.
The President's Council on Bioethics contains government information on numerous ethical issues in biomedical science and technology.
Human Genome Project Information provides, obviously, information on the human genome project.
Philosophy of Religion:
Judaism 101 gives an account of thirteen principles of Jewish Faith, G-d's attributes, human nature, the Messiah and the three categories of Jews.
General Information on Islam contains a summary of Islamic belief in God, angels, the Koran and the prophets. A brief piece on Muhammed's life, the five pillars of Islam, terrorism and the jihad are also included.
Hinduism: The World's Oldest Religion provides a general introduction to Hinduism followed by a treatment of the Hindu Trinity, puja (daily prayer), the Bhagavad Gita, Hindu classes and castes, the four periods of Hindu life, karma, the major schools about the relationship between humans and Truth.
Buddhist Information and Education Network recounts the life of the Buddha, the basic tenets of Buddhism, the four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, the five precepts, the three jewels of Buddhism, and the various groups of Buddhists.
Critical Thinking/Logic:
Logic contains very good general background information on logic in general and formal and informal reasoning in particular; as one might "deduce," this is the logic section from Philosophy Pages.
Logic and Fallacies (from "The Atheism Web") contains an introduction to logic and, like the previous site, a formidable list of informal fallacies, also with definition and example; yes, even atheists must be logical.