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Office of Prior Learning

Professional Portfolio

Marywood recognizes that some individuals gain college-level knowledge and competence through life experiences.  Students who can document significant learning experience may be able to present a portfolio to gain credits for courses in their degree programs. A portfolio is a written, documented account of what the student has learned and how well he or she has learned it. Credit will be awarded only if the prior learning can be demonstrated as college-level learning. To be awarded credit, the assessor of the portfolio must determine that the student's knowledge of the subject is equal to a college-level grade of "C " or better (for undergraduate students) or "B" or better (for graduate students). A portfolio must be presented for each course for which credit is being sought.  Students should be aware that portfolio credits are based on prior learning.  They are not applicable toward the minimum number of credits which must be earned at Marywood in order to receive a degree.

To be eligible to present a portfolio, you must be a matriculating Marywood University student in good academic standing and (undergraduates only) have 100 credits or fewer towards an undergraduate degree.  Graduate students may also be eligible to do a portfolio for up to six credits of graduate coursework.  It is important to note that academic departments at Marywood may have different stipulations or restrictions regarding student portfolios which may limit a student's ability to earn credit via this means of assessment.  Students will need to contact the Coordinator of Prior Learning Assessment before an application can be sent to the department for review. For additional information contact Lori Orr at (570) 348-6266 or email