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University Events

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Current Student Events

When Event Location
Summer Session I
Wednesday, July 12, 2023, 8am – 11pm  CAS New Student Orientation

CAS New Student Orientation

Date/Time: Wednesday, July 12, 2023, 8am – 11pm EDT
Location: Academic Dates

orientation leaders selfie lac

Connect with Orientation Leaders, faculty, and staff and receive information that will ensure your success as a Marywood student. There will be opportunities to meet other classmates in small groups and meetings with your academic advisor, as well as to learn about campus services and activities. Of course, there will also be a lot of time for fun!


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Academic Dates
Friday, July 14, 2023, 8am – 11pm  CPS & CHHS New Student Orientation

CPS & CHHS New Student Orientation

Date/Time: Friday, July 14, 2023, 8am – 11pm EDT
Location: Academic Dates

orientation leaders selfie arch

Connect with Orientation Leaders, faculty, and staff and receive information that will ensure your success as a Marywood student. There will be opportunities to meet other classmates in small groups and meetings with your academic advisor, as well as to learn about campus services and activities. Of course, there will also be a lot of time for fun!


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Academic Dates
Summer Session II
Saturday, August 26, 2023 Move in day for new students

Move in day for new students

Date/Time: Saturday, August 26, 2023
Location: Academic Dates

Most of you will be arriving next Saturday, August 20th between 8 am and 2pm.  We have assigned you move-in times and routes based on your room numbers.  We are asking that you try to stick to your assigned time as best you can.  We have this set up so we can maximize elevator use and streamline the move-in process. Please make sure that every container, trunk, suitcase, etc. has your name, hall, and room number listed.

When you pull up to the building, students are to report to the check in table to pick up their ID/key cards. While they are doing that, volunteers will start to unload your vehicle. The driver must stay in the vehicle. Once fully unloaded, the driver will be directed to a parking lot and can return to the building to assist their student with moving in.8 am to 10 am: 3rd floor

Rooms 302-321: follow the Green Route once you get to campus

Rooms 323-354: follow the Orange Route once you get to campus9 am to 11 am: 2nd floor

Rooms 202 to 221: follow the Green Route once you get to campusRooms 223-253:  follow the Orange Route once you get to campus10 am to noon : 1st floor and terrace levelRooms 102-221: follow the Green Route once you get to campusTerrace level: follow the Green Route once you get to campus

Noon to 2 pm Transfer student Orientation and makeup orientation for those who missed it.

Campus Safety, student volunteers, and Housing and Residence Life staff will direct you as you arrive.


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Academic Dates
Saturday, August 26, 2023 University Housing Opens For New Residential Students (meals begin with Dinner)

University Housing Opens For New Residential Students (meals begin with Dinner)

Date/Time: Saturday, August 26, 2023
Location: Academic Dates

Master Calendar


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Academic Dates
Saturday, August 26, 12am – Sunday, August 27, 2023, 11:30pm  Welcome Weekend

Welcome Weekend

Date/Time: Saturday, August 26, 12am – Sunday, August 27, 2023, 11:30pm EDT
Location: Academic Dates

students in purple shirts jumping

We can't wait to move you in!

Welcome Weekend is a two-day program for all residential and commuter first-year students.

More Information about Welcome Weekend


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Academic Dates
Saturday, August 26, 2023, 8am – 11pm  Transfer Orientation

Transfer Orientation

Date/Time: Saturday, August 26, 2023, 8am – 11pm EDT
Location: Academic Dates


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Academic Dates
Saturday, August 26, 2023, 9am – 12pm  August New Student Orientation

August New Student Orientation

Date/Time: Saturday, August 26, 2023, 9am – 12pm EDT
Location: Nazareth Hall Latour Room

Incoming Transfer, First-Time, and International Students join us for their fall semester New Student Orientation. 


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Nazareth Hall Latour Room
Fall 2023 Semester
Sunday, August 27, 2023, 12 – 1pm  Returning students move in date

Returning students move in date

Date/Time: Sunday, August 27, 2023, 12 – 1pm EDT
Location: Academic Dates

Key cards will be issued at check-in between 9 am and 4:00pm. Regina Hall: ID Card pick up at Regina Hall front Desk

Bethany Hall: key and ID pick up at Regina Hall Front Desk

Immaculata Hall: key and ID pick up at Regina Hall Front Desk

Madonna Hall: ID Card pick up Madonna Hall Front Desk

Woodlands Apartment Complex: Community Room Vehicles may not stay parked in the middle of campus or in front of your building.  If you have a driver with you, they are to stay in the vehicle while you check in. Unload the vehicle and the driver can then move the car to an approved lot. If you do not have a driver, after you check in, unload your vehicle, and move it to an approved parking space. Students who arrive after 4:30 pm should contact the RA duty phone in order to retrieve their key. Signs are posted in each Residential area with RA duty phone numbers and contact information.Early arrivals for sports, clubs, and orientation:Student groups required to return early will pick up their key cards from their coaches, advisors, supervisors, etc.Your RA's will connect with you to review your Room Condition Form, which is the form we use to document damage and problems.


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Academic Dates
Monday, August 28, 12am – Friday, September 1, 2023, 11:30pm  Welcome Week (through 09/01/23)

Welcome Week (through 09/01/23)

Date/Time: Monday, August 28, 12am – Friday, September 1, 2023, 11:30pm EDT
Location: Academic Dates

maxis and students

Welcome Week (through 09/01/23)


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Academic Dates
Monday, August 28, 2023, 7:30 – 9am  Weeks of Welcome: Citrus & Sugar

Weeks of Welcome: Citrus & Sugar

Date/Time: Monday, August 28, 2023, 7:30 – 9am EDT
Location: Nazareth

The Office of Student Engagement will be offering orange juice and donuts between 7:30 am and 9 am in the following locations:

Outside of Loughran Hall

Outside of Madonna Hall

Between Maria Hall and the Center for Natural and Health Sciences


Come grab a little citrus and sugar before you head to class while supplies last. 


Email Reminder

Current Student Pacer Profiles

"Marywood has a way of helping people reach their true potential."

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Alumni Pacer Profiles

2020 graduate Brandon Freely accepts a six-month internship with Disney World Resort.

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Faculty Pacer Profiles

From Pixels to Print—Sue Jenkins Shapes Tomorrow’s Designers

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Admissions Calendar

Marywood News

An icon of a traditional Roman column in a gold color with a green Marywood M logo is pictured against a green background. Middle States Review Process Underway at Marywood University

Middle States Review Process Underway at Marywood University

Institutions seeking re-accreditation from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) must engage in a self-study process—basically, a review and summation of the University’s life.
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  • A photo of Rabbi Swartz is situated on a blue background Rabbi Daniel Swartz to Present a Dialogue about Vocation

    Rabbi Daniel Swartz to Present a Dialogue about Vocation

    Rabbi Daniel Swartz, spiritual leader of Temple Hesed in Scranton and a renowned Jewish environmental author with over 30 years of experience, will lead attendees in a conversation about answering the call to serve and dedicating their energy toward fulfillment and justice—both personally and across the entire community.

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  • Two gold musical notes with a white Marywood M logo are pictured on a green background. Spring Semester Music and Theatre Performances Announced

    Spring Semester Music and Theatre Performances Announced

    Concerts and events presented are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted. Proceeds from any event that includes admission costs are used exclusively to support Marywood students’ performances.

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