Log into Tofino to begin your request.
How to Submit a Maintenance Request [PDF] »
Complete the required information and be sure to change the Email field from ‘youremail@maryu.marywood.edu’ to your actual email address in order to receive updates regarding your request. Please also include the specific details regarding the room of the request and a phone number where you can be reached in the description of your request.
Select the building you wish to submit a request for to access the login information for that building.
What is the average completion time for a maintenance request?
All work requests are prioritized, with safety and health issues receiving the highest priority. Depending on workload, lower priority requests may take longer to be addressed.
Emergency Service Requests
Normal hours of operation for the Physical Plant Maintenance are 7:00am-4:30pm, Monday through Friday. If you need immediate assistance after hours please call Campus Safety at (570) 348-6242.
Info For: