Arian Korkuti
Assistant Professor
School of Architecture
Cntr for Architectural Studies 277
Courses taught:
Design Studio I
Transition Studio I
Design Studio II
Design Studio III
Transition Studio II
Hist & Thry of Arch & Interior Arch II
Design Studio IV
Hist & Thry of Arch & Interior Arch III
Dr. Arian Korkuti is currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Architecture at Marywood University. His teaching experience includes undergraduate and graduate-level design studios, required courses, and seminars addressing topics relevant to architecture and city form, the art of making, and forms of representation. Focusing on beginning and intermediate design, Dr. Korkuti encourages students to challenge their preconceptions to discover new ways of thinking and making. Collaboratively with other faculty, Dr. Korkuti engages students in projects that reach out to the local community with in-situ exhibitions. His Ph.D. dissertation examines rationalism in the work of the Italian Architect Giuseppe Terragni and the relationship between architecture and city form. Dr. Korkuti has conducted extensive research on architectural building types and their relationship to the building form. He has presented his research in peer-reviewed conferences and has organized exhibitions of his photographic work. Dr. Korkuti has participated in several university-sponsored programs reaching out to the community with the participation of high school students. He has directed winter travel programs focusing on contemporary architectural practice in New York City. Dr. Korkuti holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture, Master of Science in Architecture, and Master of Architecture degrees from Virginia Tech. He holds an undergraduate degree of Fine Arts in Interior Design from Virginia Commonwealth University.