Loreen Powell
School Business/Global Innov
McGowan Cntr Grad & Prof Stud 1051
Courses taught:
Management Information Systems
Electronic Commerce
Management Role of the Information Professional
Adv Topics/Management Information Syst Information Systems
Business Analytics
Data Mining and Warehousing
Organizational Behavior and Development
Financial Planning and Management
Presentations and Publications
Sampling of Publications:
Mariani, R., Powell, L. & Tanner, T. (2023, Submitted Under Review). Enhancing Consumer Engagement: A Comparative Analysis of Digital Advertising Formats within Social Media Communities. International Journal of E-Adoption.
Powell, L. Mariani, R., Abdul-AL, C., Powell, G., & Chen, Y. (2023, Accepted). Innovative Teaching Aid for Learning the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve. Issues of Information Systems. 24(X).
Powell, L., Wimmer, H., Hendon, M., Mariani, R., & Rebman, C. (2023, Accepted) Higher education enrollment crisis: the importance of examining student's choice of modality. Issues of Information Systems. 24(X).
Rebman, C., M., Booker, Q.,E., Wimmer, H., Levkoff, S., Murtrey, M.,& Powell, L. (2022). An Industry Survey of Analytics Spreadsheet Tools Adoption: Microsoft Excel vs Google Sheets. Information Systems Education Journal 21(5) 29-42.
Fernandez, K. Hendon, L. & Powell, L.M. (2022). Academic Perspectives on the Importance of Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Insights for IT Leadership Programs. Issues in Information Systems.
Powell, L., Powell, D., Bucco, F., Keller, E. (2022). The Importance of Global, Inclusive, and Culturally Sensitive Knowledge Within the IT Discipline. The PAECT Educational Technology Research Journal. 4(1).
Powell, L. M., Rebman, C., Booker, Q. (2022). Preparing undergraduate IT students for the virtual workplace: development of a virtual workplace strategies and technical communications course. Issues in Information Systems. Issues in Information Systems
Powell, L., Hendon, M. & Powell, D. (2022). Technology Support within an Online Course: Lessons Learned. Issues in Information Systems.
Powell, L., Powell, D., Hendon, M., Laudghner, B., & LaMacchia, C. (2022). Exploring Open Source IT eTexts. The PAECT Educational Technology Research Journal. 4(1).
Powell, L. & Karpinski, A. (2021). Awareness of volunteer computing on the grid: Content within IT texts. Issues in Information Systems. 22(1). 246-254.
Nishitkumar, P., Wimmer, H. & Powell, L. (2021). Defense and Analysis of Hijacking User Login Credentials via Remote Code Execution and Raspberry PI. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research. 14(3), 44-50.
Powell, L. Hendon, M., Mangle, A., & Wimmer, H. (2021). Awareness of blockchain usage, structure, & generation of platform’s energy consumption: Working towards a greener blockchain. Issues in Information Systems.22(1), 114-123.
Powell, L. Dempsey, A. & Rebman, C. Myers, C. (2021). Using sentiment analysis to measure emotional toxicity of social media data during the covid pandemic. Issues in Information Systems.22(1), 200-214.
Rebman, C., White, G., Booker, Q., Wimmer, H. & Powell, L. (2021). Pandemic Shift: Impact of COVID-19 on IS/Microsoft Office Specialist Excel Certification Exam Classes: Remote Testing and Lessons Learned. Information Systems Education Journal. 19(6), 4-12.
Powell, L., Swartz, J. & Hendon, M. (2021). Awareness of Mobile Device Security and Data Privacy: Evaluation of Tools and Applications. Issues in Information Systems. 22(1), 1-9.
Aliyu, F., Wimmer, H., Powell, L., & Rebman, C. (2021). An International Review and Study on Perceptions of Security, Adoption, and Implementation of Electronic Health Records. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research. 14(4), 21-28.
Powell, L., Fromert, K. & Powell, D. (Accepted, in press, 2020). Exploring Webpage Accessibility: Current Regulations, Cases, and Resources. The PAECT Educational Technology Research Journal. 4(1).
Patel, N. Wimmer, H. & Powell, L. (2020). PHPBB3 bulletin board security testing. Issues in Information Systems. 21(2), 289-299.
Raabe, K. & Powell. L. M. (2020). Exploring grid computing & volunteer computing: Analyzing daily computing runtimes on the world community grid. Issues in Information Systems. 21(3), 289-297.
Swartz, J., Powell, L. & Hendon, M. (2020). Overview of edge computing in small businesses. Issues in Information Systems. 21(3), 200-206.
Anumula, V. Abdula, C., Wang, W., Kovacs, P. & Powell, L. (2020). Social networking for a learning management system. – Should Facebook be used to supplement Blackboard?. Issues of Information Systems. 21(1),131-140.
Hendon, M. & Powell, L. (2020). Activity Based Learning for Cloud Computing. Journal of Computing Colleges. 35(8), 176-185.
Baratam, S. S., Abdula, C. & Powell, L. (2020). Health-Related Mobile Applications for Smart Devices on Insurance Providers: Aiding Customer Retention. Issues of Information Systems. 21(1), 30-36.
Carrie, B. Wimmer, H., Powell, L. & Rebman, C. (2019).Cyber-Security Instructional Technology Design. Issues in Information Systems. 20 (3), 28-36.
Egbedion, B. Wimmer, H., Rebman, C. & Powell, L. (2019). Examining a deep learning network system for image identification and classification for preventing unauthorized access for a smart home security system. Issues in Information Systems. 20(3), 107-116.
Powell, L., Wimmer, H., Rebman, C. & Abdul al, C. (2019). Learner security & privacy risks: How usage of online social media outside a learning management system affects learners’ Digital identity. Issues in Information Systems. 20(4), 1-7.
Powell, L. & Force, C. (2019). Seeing the World Through Different Colors: ADA Compliance. Business Education Forum. 32-33.
Powell, L., Rebman,C., Abdulza, C. & Hendon, M. (2019). Web Accessible Adoption of Instructional Website, Application and Online Material Development. International Journal of E-Adoption. 11(2). 41-46.
Powell. L.M., Krause, T., & Jones, S. (2018). Developing a master of science in information technology with a business focus. Issues in Information Systems. Available online at https://iacis.org/iis/2018/4_iis_2018_162-170.pdf
Adeyemo, A., Wimmer, H. & Powell, L. (2018). Effects of Normalization Techniques on Logistic Regression in Data Science. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research. 12(2), 37-44.
Culk, B., Wimmer, H. Powell, L. & Rebman Jr., C. (2018). Electronic Emergency Medical Technician Reports – Testing a Perceptions of a Prototype. Issues in Information Systems. 19(3), 81-91.
Egbedion, B., Wimmer, H. Rebman Jr., C., & Powell, L. (2018). Building an application for custom mobile medication reminders in healthcare: An exploratory study. Issues in Information Systems
Lee, H. Nguyen, L., Powell, L. (2017). Can the New Homes Market be the one of the factors to the movement of the Stock market and Mortgage interest rate?”. Real Estate Finance.
Lee, H. Powell, L., Nguyen, L. (Accepted – October 27, 2017 –Awaiting Publication). The Strategic Responses from Sophisticated Investors to Inaccurate Forecast of Financial Analysts. Accounting and Finance Research.
Cuk, S., Wimmer, H. & Powell, L. (2017). Problems Associated With Patient Care Reports and Transferring Data between Ambulance and Hospitals from the Perspective of Emergency Medical Technicians. Issues in Information Systems. 18(4), 16-26.
Force, C., Powell, L., Howe, M., & Moore, D. (2020). Perceptions of a professional development program for a college of business. Journal of Applied Research in Business Instruction.
Powell, L. Wimmer, H., Hendon, M., Choi, J.H. (2017). Learning precursor programming skills from free mobile application development tools. The PAECT Educational Technology Research Journal. 1(1).
Powell, L., Wimmer, H., Kilgus, L. & Force, C. (2017). Key Factors effecting career choice among business and information technology students. The PAECT Educational Technology Research Journal. 1(1).
Powell, D. & Powell, L. (2017). Importance of online and blended learning: administrator perspectives. The PAECT Educational Technology Research Journal. 1(1).
Powell, L., & Wimmer, H. (2017). Parental perceptions and recommendations of computing majors: A technology acceptance model. Information Systems Education Journal. 15(4), 29-37.
Hendon, M. Powell, L. & Wimmer, H. (2017). Emotional intelligence and communication levels in information technology professionals. Computers in Human Behavior. 7 (2017) 165-171
Wimmer, H., Powell, L., Kilgus, L., Force, C. (2017). Improving course assessment via web-based homework. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design. 7(2), 1-18.
Powell, L., Wimmer, H., Kilgus, L., & Force, C. (2017). Impact of Online Discussions on Web Based Assessments. The International Journal of Distance Education Technologies. 15(4) Article 6.
Wimmer, H. & Powell, L. (2016). A comparison of open source tools for data science. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 9(2), 4-12. Journal’s Reported Acceptance Rate for “MERITORIOUS” Papers: 15%
Powell, L. & Wimmer, H. (2016). Evaluating the effectiveness of student group work for mobile application development learning, productivity, enjoyment and confidence in quality. Information Systems Education Journal. 14(3), 85-95.
Kilgus, L., Force, C. & Powell, L. (2016). Developing a comprehensive matrix: An instructor’s resource for using free web based applications for business communications courses. Journal of Applied Research in Business Instruction, 14(1), 1-8.