Miguel Calvo-Salve
School of Architecture
570-348-6211 x2983
Cntr for Architectural Studies 236
Courses taught:
Design Studio VI
Building Technologies VI
Design Studio IX
The Art and Craft of Building I
Building Technologies VII
Design Studio X
Design Studio V
Building Technologies VI
Dr. Calvo-Salve earned his PhD in 2015 with a dissertation about the influences of Bauhaus artists in the work of Marcel Breuer. The dissertation was awarded with an International European Merit. Before teaching at Marywood he was teaching at the School of Architecture CESUGA-University College Dublin between 2008 and 2013. He also is the founder of Spain-based firm, a climate-focused design that develops architecture work in the areas of public primary care centers, low- income housing, urban design and conservation and intervention in architectural heritage.
His award-winning professional career, is positioned at the intersection of architecture, materials, technology and landscape. Since he was a student at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, he was awarded at important competitions like RIBA International Students Competition in 1990 with his project. “L´Antigrazioso”. During his professional career he was awarded with 1st Prize in the design competition for the Bus Station of Xinzo de Limia, Ourense and with 3rd prize for low-income housing in SUNP-25, Santiago de Compostela. He also designed the Landscape intervention in the bridge “Puente de la Cruz”. Pazos de Arenteiro. The Master plan of the Medieval Castle of Sarmiento, Ribadavia. Landscape project of the Historic and Artistic Site of San Estevo de Rivas de Sil; and the School of Theatre and Music for the Atlantic Area.
His research focus on the importance of the intangible values in architectural work, looking for those relationships between material and in-material elements that makes architecture a unique discipline. Samples of this are his article “Profane and sacred space” published in in the book about the Cemetery of Finisterre, the publication of his Professional work in the Intervention and Conservation of Castle of Ribadavia as “Timeless Brass” in the Magazine: Copper Architecture Forum, the article “What Matters is Light – Light as Matter. The experience of the Course: Art & Craft of Building. Building with Natural Light” published by the European association of Architectural Education where he addresses how building materials and construction techniques have a poetic dimension, particularly as it related to natural lighting. He recently has edited the book “Conservation/Consumption. Preserving the Tangible and intangible Values”, published the article “Conservation and Demolition. Memory and Oblivion” published in the collection “Transaction of Architectural Education” by EAAE, and lately his article The Adoption of Cross-Shaped Buildings for Mass Housing in the Modern Movement published and presented at the highly prestigious biannual International Conference DOCOMOMO 2020+1 in Tokyo, Japan.
His current research has been granted with a Murray Award to study the facades of the buildings in which Marcel Breuer used his designs of per-cast panels to showcase the interaction of sun and shadows along the day and how the façade experience changes. He is recording time-lapse videos in the facades and developed 3D computer drawings of each of the different typologies. Based on these 3D computer drawings create a realistic and scaled 3D printed model of each of the different typologies of precast concrete panels. The research has already been disseminated in a Keynote speech and an International Conference.
At Marywood he taught:
Design Studio X
Design Studio IX
Design Studio VI
Design Studio V
The Art and Craft of Building
Structures I
Structures II
The Detail in Architecture
Presentations and Publications
Book: “Illustrating the Death and Life of Great American Cities”. In Collaboration with Russel B. Roberts Adjunct Professor and Maria N. McDonald Executive Director for the Center for the Living City. The book illustrates the topics and ideas of Jane Jacobs’ book. ISBN: 979-8-88526-117-3
Book: “Entre-Lugares: Las Fronteras Domésticas”. Authored by Miguel Ángel Calvo-Salve, María Carreiro, Cándido López, and others. Recolectores Urbanos Editorial, Málaga 2019. ISBN: 978-8494966323
Book: “CONSERVATION/CONSUMPTION: Preserving the Tangible and Intangible Values”. Edited by Miguel Calvo Salve, Donatella Fiorani, Giovanna Franco, Loughlin Kealy and Stefano Musso. Published by EAAE, Hasselt, Belgium 2019. ISBN 978-2-930301-67-9
Book: "MAP OF THE CITY OF TOLEDO AND FLOOR PLAN OF BUILDINGS” Toledo 1900, (62 x 31 cm.). Drawings by: Miguel A. Calvo Salve & José Ramón González de la Cal. Published by Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Castilla-La Mancha, 1991. Escala 1:1000
Article: The Construction of the Shadow. Pre-Cast Façade Element Variations in the Work of Marcel Breuer. Article presented in the CIAB10, Valencia, Spain. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4995/CIAB10.2022.13978
Article: The Design and Construction of Marcel Breuer’s Hunter College Library hypars. Origin and influences. This article has been published in the book “History of Construction Cultures”, Edited by Joao Mascarenhas-Mateus & Ana Paula Pires. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN: 978-1-032-00199-9
Article: Conservation and Demolition. Memory and Oblivion. This article has been published in the Conservation/Demolition book by EAAE in 2021. Co-Authored: Miguel A. Calvo-Salve, Maria N. McDonald and Russel B. Roberts. ISBN: 978-90-831271-1-8
Article: The Adoption of Cross-Shaped Buildings for Mass Housing in the Modern Movement. This article has been published in the book “Inheritable Resilience. Sharing Values of Global Modernities”, Edited by Ana Tostoes & Yoshiyuki Yamana. DOCOMOMO International. Tokyo, Japan. ISBN 978-4-904700-74-7
Article: “Influence of El Escorial on Marcel Breuer. The Annunciation Priory and the Convent in Baldegg”. This article has been published in the book: Bauhaus In and Out. Editors: Laura Martínez de Guereñu y Cariolina B. García Estevez. Lampreave, 2019. ISBN: 978-84-09-14361-0.
Article: “Influences of the engineer Pier Luigi Nervi on the work of the architect Marcel Breuer”. Article in the book Building Knowledge, Constructing Histories” Volume 1, edited by BERTELS, Inge; VAN de VOORDE, Stephanie; WOUTERS, Ine. CRC Press, 2018 London, UK. ISBN: 978-1-138-33230-0. This book collects some articles of the 6th International Conference of Construction History, Brussels. July 9-13, 2018.
Article: “Recovering the conexions: territory-settlement-identity. Intervention in the historic & artistic village of Pazos de Arenteiro, Galicia, Spain, and a visit to Castelvechio Calvisio, Italy.” Article in the Book Conservation/Reconstruction. Small Historic Centres. Conservation in the Midst of Change, Editors: Rodica Crisan, Donatella Fiorani, Loughlin Kealy, Stefano Musso. Published by EAAE · Hasselt, Belgium · 2015. ISBN 978-2-930301-63-1. Pg. 412-424.
Article: “What Matters is Light – Light as Matter. The experience of the Course: Art & Craft of Building.
Building with Natural Light”. Article in the Book What’s the Matter? Materiality and Materialism at the Age of Computation, Edited by Maria Voyatzaki. ENHSA 2014. ISBN:978-960-89320-6-7. Pg. 835-847.
Article: “Ribadavia Castle Remains Intervention: Conserve and Transform. Observation, Research, Traces, Intuition”. Article in the Book Conservation/Transformation. Editors: Loughlin Kealy, Stefano Musso. Published by EAAE, 2011 Leuven, Belgium. ISBN:978-2-930301-50-1. Pg 103-122.
Article: “El Cementerio de Finisterre, espacio sacro y profano”. Article in the book: El Cementerio de Cesar en Finisterre,1997-1999. Edited by Carlos Martí Arís ed. Asociación DE Arquitectos de Almería, Archivos de Arquitectura. Pg.101
Book Review: The Rent of Form: Architecture and Labor in the Digital Age. Author: Pedro Fiori Arantes. University of Minnesota Press, 2019. Book review Published on H-Urban (February 2020) of H-Net Reviews. https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showpdf.php?id=54614