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picture of Joe Hunt

Joe Hunt

Get to know Joe

Why have you chosen to be part of the Marywood Alumni Association Board of Directors?

To help connect alumni and current students, specifically to further develop our career development and networking capacities at Marywood.

What is your favorite memory from your time as a student at Marywood University?

Senior Prom at Holy Family Residence (Now Marywood Heights)

What advice would you give a student attending Marywood?

Participate in absolutely everything and do it with your friends!

What were you involved with during your time as a student at Marywood University? (athletics, clubs, etc.)

Baseball and Golf teams, Maxis Gillet Service Scholar, Admissions Ambassador, Accounting and Finance Club

What is a fun fact about yourself?

I went to my first class, 8am Accounting with Marcinek, with my shirt on inside out and backwards. Reach out if you want to hear the rest of the story!

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