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Secretary of the University & General Counsel

Policy Procedures


Marywood University policies document the principles and procedures to be followed in various aspects of University life and, as such, are binding on members of the University community.  Policies become operational upon formal approval by the Board of Trustees or the President of the University as Chief Executive Officer.  Statements of policy approved by the President must be consistent with policies adopted by the Board of Trustees and must be within the limits established by the Board.

In a spirit of shared governance, the Board of Trustees and the President of the University welcome participation of all members of the University community in the development of policy.

The vice presidents of the University, as a group and as individuals, advise the President of the University.

There are three committees of the University that act in an advisory capacity to the President on courses of action.

The following committees have authority to recommend proposals to establish a new policy or revise an existing one to the President of the University:  The Policy Committee of the University, Employee Benefits Committee, and Academic Council.  In addition, the Board of Trustees vets and approves policies, where appropriate.  Each University policy must include the name of the committee responsible for oversight.   

The Policy Committee acts on courses of action affecting more than one area of the University except fringe benefits, i.e., Academic Affairs, Business Affairs, Student Life, and University Advancement; or limited to one school or area but having implications for the total University, another area, or another school; or affecting the objectives of the University; or affecting the long-range development of the University.

The Employee Benefits Committee acts on courses of action affecting employee fringe benefits.

The Academic Council acts on courses of action affecting curriculum policies; on personnel policies only affecting faculty members; or policies whose impact is limited to only Academic Affairs.

The Secretary of the University and General Counsel serves to provide administrative support and direction for development and dissemination of all policies, including maintenance of the Marywood University Policies and Procedures Manual. 


Policies are guiding or governing principles, formally approved to provide assistance in the conduct of University affairs.

Procedures are statements that provide for the orderly implementation of established policies through prescribed specific actions to be taken.

Board of Trustees Policies are those by which the Board of Trustees operates and governs itself, and policies involving the relationship of the Board to the President of the University as Chief Executive Officer.



A request for a new policy or revision of an existing policy may originate with any member or group of the University community.  It is submitted to the appropriate vice president.  The appropriate vice president is designated in the policy for each existing policy.


  1. The Vice President reviews the proposal and determines whether, appropriately, it should move forward to the next step in the development process or notifies the originators that it will not move forward. If the policy moves forward, the vice president forwards it to the Secretary of the University and General Counsel for further development.
  1. The Secretary of the University and General Counsel analyzes the proposal in terms of other existing policies; discusses it with appropriate individuals; edits and formats the proposed document; prepares it for presentation to the appropriate committee. Policies reviewed by the Policy Committee are sent first to the Executive Committee of the Policy Committee of the University. Those policies reviewed by Academic Council and Employee Benefits Committee skip to step 4.
  1. The Executive Committee of Policy considers the edited draft and any comments from reviewers; determines if and by whom further review is necessary; determines if and when it is to be placed on the agenda of the full Policy Committee of the University; or, in an extraordinary circumstance, acts to recommend it directly to the President of the University.
  1. The Policy Committee of the University, Employee Benefits Committee, or Academic Council of the University recommends the proposal to the President of the University as presented; or recommendsit to the President with comment for possible revision; or sends it to the President noting lack of Policy Committee, Employee Benefits Committee, or Academic Council support.



The President of the University as Chief Executive Officer approves or rejects the proposed policy or revision; or refers it to the Board of Trustees for action.



If the policy or revision is approved, the President of the University initials the final draft and sends it to the Secretary of the University and General Council, who enters it into the Marywood University Policies and Procedures Manual; sees that it is published in the appropriate handbooks of the University; notifies the Marywood community of the approval and the effective date. 

If the policy or revision is not approved, the President of the University returns it with comment to the Secretary of the University, who notifies appropriate persons of the status of the proposal.

A standard, yet flexible, policy format has been adopted at Marywood University to ensure consistency from one policy to another.  Originators of proposals are encouraged to use the format as a guide when drafting the text for policies.

Policy Statement

The statement is a well-articulated, authoritative expression of administrative philosophy and direction.  With approval of the President of the University, it is the current University policy.


Unique terms, by being defined, add to the reader's understanding of the policy.


Statements of specific actions to be taken provide for orderly implementation of the established policy.

Related Policies

References to other statements in the Marywood University Policies and Procedures Manual provide a clearer understanding of the policy.  An attempt is made to list other policies that are most closely related, not to capture the most complete listing of all references in the Manual to the subject of the policy.

Related Committees

References to related University Standing Committees provide added information about the implementation of the policy.


An audit trail provides for efficient research.  While one cannot hope to capure a history of all activity relating to the development, approval, and dissemination of a policy, a record in one place of the main events that created the current statement is a valuable tool.

Specific terms are used advisedly in the descriptions of the events.

Approved establishes the first date of the policy's existence and promotes the basic principle that the policy is created only by the Board of Trustees or the President of the University.

Reaffirmed is used to document review and approval without any change to the text.

Revised is used to document an action resulting in an approved change to the text. 

Please note, the materials presented on this website are provided for informational purposes only and may not be construed as legal advice from the Office of the Secretary of the University and General Counsel.

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