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Master's Dietetic Internship Program

A wealth of program details can be found in the DI Handbook, including the program mission and goals, admission and completion requirements, information regarding the program cost and financial aid, the program calendar, and guidance regarding preceptors and distance education components.

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2024-2026 Dietetic Internship Handbook

What Is an RDN?

Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) or Registered Dietitians (RDs) are food and nutrition experts who have met criteria and earned the opportunity to continue to refer to themselves with an RD or RDN credential.

Accreditation Status

The Marywood University Master’s Dietetic Internship Program in Nutrition and Dietetics is currently granted accreditation status by Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, a specialized accrediting body recognized by the United States Department of Education.

The address and phone number for the ACEND is: Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: 120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2190, Chicago, IL 60606; (800) 877-1600, (312) 899-5400, ext. 5400.

Program outcomes are available upon request.

Marywood University has applied to the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) to open a new and innovative accredited Graduate Program in Nutrition and Dietetics (part of the Future Education Model) in August 2025 to prepare Registered Dietitian Nutritionists. This transition will enhance the student experience and will continue to prepare students to enter into the nutrition and dietetics profession, as we have done since 1915.

This new program will allow students who have graduated with a Bachelor’s degree (with or without a DPD verification statement) to be qualified to enter into our Graduate Program, where supervised experiential learning will be integrated with academic coursework in a competency-based curriculum designed to prepare nutrition and dietetics practitioners for future practice. Our program will allow students to earn a Master’s degree while completing the requirements to be eligible to sit for the Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) credentialing exam.

In accordance with the Future Education Model Accreditation Standards for Graduate Programs in Nutrition and Dietetics released by ACEND, (see, we have submitted our initial application. In 2024, after reviewing the second part of our application, ACEND will make a final decision about the accreditation of our proposed graduate program. Once granted accreditation by ACEND, we will recruit students to enroll in the new Graduate Program, beginning in August of 2025.

Our current Master of Science and Dietetic Internship (MSDI) Program will be phased out and will be replaced by the new Graduate Program in Nutrition and Dietetics. The MSDI Program will conclude after the 2026 spring semester. Students who enroll in the MSDI Program prior to August 2025 or earlier, and graduate in May 2026 or earlier, will not be impacted by these anticipated changes.

If you have questions about the Graduate Program in Nutrition and Dietetics, please contact Interim MSDI Program Director, Micheline Orlowsky MS, RDN, LDN, at 570-340-6010 or

Supervised Practice Rotations

  • Includes the application of knowledge of foods, nutrients, and their requirements to the care of individuals and groups throughout the life cycle.
  • Involves medical nutrition therapy, food systems management, community nutrition, health promotion and entrepreneurial activities, and sports nutrition.
  • Aims to provide quality learning experiences in nutrition and dietetics that are based on the standards from the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND)

About the Program

The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics in the College of Health and Human Services of Marywood University offers one Dietetic Internship (DI) program with two tracks, for onsite or distance. This is a full-time program. All students will complete the requirements of the program prior to receiving a DI verification statement. The internship program will provide the required Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) Learning Outcomes (LO) or competencies with a Health Promotion and Wellness (HP/W) concentration. Interns will complete a minimum of 1,000 hours of supervised practice divided into four rotations: Community Nutrition, Food Systems Management, Medical Nutrition Therapy and Professional Practice/Staff Relief. Upon successful completion of the DI program, students are eligible to take the National Registration Examination for Dietitians.

View Curriculum

The philosophy of Marywood University Master’s Dietetic Internship runs parallel with the mission of the program and the mission of Marywood University. Students enhance broadening intellectual perspectives, and promoting ethical professional practice based on humanitarian values. Students are encouraged to discover their passions, prepare for their careers, and acquire tools and motivation for a lifelong process of learning following the Code of Ethics, the Scope/Standards of Practice and the Standards of Professional Performance of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Marywood University’s Dietetic Internship is passionate about developing competent practitioners dedicated to service of others and to the profession. Throughout the Masters Dietetic Internship Program, students will be provided with a professional and academic environment in which to develop the skills needed to become competent in the areas of nutrition therapy, community dietetics, food service management and be leaders in the field and /or professional organizations.

The Mission of Marywood University Master’s Dietetic Internship is to prepare well-rounded graduates who are competent entry-level Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. Graduates are ready to respond to the challenging demands of productive careers in dietetics and nutrition-related fields through a commitment to lifelong learning. They will demonstrate professionalism, self-directedness, evidence-based practice decisions, effective communication, critical thinking, collaboration in their professional community, and active ongoing self-assessment all in the pursuit of meaningful work that makes a positive impact on others.

This is reflective of the Standards of Education from ACEND and the Health Promotion and Wellness concentration of the program, which enables graduates to accept positions in the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health in a variety of healthcare and community environments. They will lead and empower individuals, especially those with economic need, to achieve better nutrition and healthier lifestyles.

Program Goal 1

The Marywood University Master’s Dietetic Internship Program will produce graduates who practice competently in positions that address the ongoing/evolving health care demands for wellness promotion, maintenance and restoration of health in the populations they serve. The program will produce graduates who are confident leaders capable of effective advocacy and beneficial service on behalf of the community and field of nutrition and dietetics.

Program Objectives for Goal 1 are measured by the following standards:

Upon completion of the program

1a. At least 80% of program interns complete all program/degree requirements within 33 months (150% of the program length). (RE 2.1.c.1.a)

One-year post completion

1b. On the one‐year post completion employer survey, of those that respond 90% will score “agree or strongly agree” with a mean value of 2.0 or greater regarding graduate’s preparation for entry-level practice. (RE 2.1.c.1.d)

1c. Of graduates who seek employment 70% are employed in nutrition and dietetics or related fields within 12 months of the program graduation. (RE 2.1.c.1.b)

Over a three-year period

1d. The program’s one-year pass rate (graduates who pass the registration exam within one year of first attempt) on the CDR credentialing exam for dietitian nutritionists is at least 80%. (RE 2.1.c.1.2)

Program Goal 2

The Marywood University Master’s Dietetic Internship Program will develop graduates to encourage critical thinking and application of the knowledge, and research in food and nutrition science to assess and treat individuals and diverse populations. The program will prepare graduates for expanded professional opportunities and/or for further academic studies, who embrace the ever-changing challenges of the profession and need to be self-directed learners with a commitment to life-long learning as critical to serving the community and the profession.

Program Objectives for Goal 2 are measured by the following standards:

Upon completion of the program

2a. At least 85% of program graduates will take the CDR credentialing exam for dietitians nutritionists within 12 months of program completion. (RE 2.1.c.1.c.1)

2b. On the end of program survey, at least 75% of graduates who respond will “agree or strongly agree” with a mean value of 2.0 or greater regarding the program fostering self-directed learning.

2c. On the three-year post program survey, at least 80% of graduates who respond will “agree or strongly agree” with a mean value of 2.0 or greater regarding leadership service in the dietetics profession and/or the community at large.

2d. On the three-year post program survey, at least 40% of program graduates who respond will indicate they have become a preceptor or mentor dietetic students or interns.

How Can You Become An RDN?

  • Currently, by completing a minimum of a bachelor’s degree at a U.S. regionally accredited university or college or foreign equivalent.
  • Earning a Verification Statement through a Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) which includes the necessary coursework to meet knowledge requirements set by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND).
  • Completing a minimum of 1,000+ hours of supervised practice through an ACEND accredited Dietetic Internship, Coordinated Program in Dietetics or an Individualized Supervised Practice Pathway (ISPP) offered through an ACEND accredited program.
  • Passing a national examination administered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration.
    • Similar to other health care professions, RDNs must take and pass a national board registration examination to earn the RDN certification. The RDN exam is a computer-based exam that covers the content in the three major areas of dietetics: clinical, community, and food service. The registration examination is updated every five years to reflect the information that entry-level dietitians should master after completing a Didactic Program in Dietetics and internship. For more information regarding the examination, refer to their website at
  • Complete continuing professional educational requirements on an ongoing basis in order to maintain the credential of RD or RDN after passing the national registration exam.
  • State certification or licensure varies from state to state. Check Licensing & Certification State Board Resources by Program. (Scroll to the bottom of the page to access this section; select "Registered Dietition/Nutritionist" from the accordion menu.)
  • Effective January 1, 2024, the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) will require a minimum of a master's degree to be eligible to take the credentialing exam to become a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN). In addition, CDR requires that individuals complete coursework and supervised practice in program(s) accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) In most states, such as Pennsylvania, graduates must also obtain licensure or certification to practice. Graduates who successfully complete the ACEND- accredited Didactic Program in Dietetics at Marywood University are eligible to apply to an ACEND-accredited supervised practice program/ apply to take the CDR credentialing exam to become an RDN. 

How can Marywood assist you on your professional journey?

We offer an Accredited Dietetic Internship Program through the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND). Our program offers both an onsite or distance track.  In addition to our Masters Degree Dietetic Internship we are also able to offer a five-year BS/MS/DI program allowing those that qualify the option to complete their Bachelors, Masters, and Internship all through Marywood enabling them to sit for the RDN Exam in five years.

Marywood offers several program options that lead to the RDN credential. You may choose to earn:

  1. A Bachelor’s of Science (BS) in Nutrition and Dietetics degree and your Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) Verification Statement* which provides you eligibility to apply for an accredited Dietetic Internship Program. (DPD-Traditional Option)
  2. A BS in Nutrition and Dietetics degree through the Spanish Option and your DPD Verification Statement* which provides you eligibility to apply for an accredited Dietetic Internship Program. (DPD-Spanish Option)
  3. A BS in Nutrition and Dietetics degree, your DPD Verification Statement* (through either the DPD-Traditional or DPD-Spanish options), your Master of Science (MS) degree, as well as completion of Marywood's accredited Dietetic Internship Program* in an accelerated time frame (5 years) through a pre-selection process.
  4. Your DPD Verification Statement* which provides you eligibility to apply for an accredited Dietetic Internship Program (for those students who have an earned BS/BA), while you also earn your MS degree is in Nutrition or Sports Nutrition Exercise Science. (DPD-Grad Option)
  5. Your DPD Verification Statement* (through the DPD-Grad option) which provides you eligibility to apply for an accredited Dietetic Internship Program, as well as completion of Marywood's accredited Dietetic Internship Program* through a pre-selection process while you earn your MS degree is in Nutrition or Sports Nutrition Exercise Science. 
  6. A Master of Science degree in Nutrition and your Dietetic Internship Program Verification Statement from either our onsite or distance tracks. 

*All students must apply and be accepted into each ACEND-accredited program and be in good standing in the program to earn a Verification Statement from that program.

Prepared Me Well"I feel as though this program has prepared me very well for entry level practice. The quizzes, assignments, APEs, check-ins, etc. were very helpful to me in reminding myself of where I was at and where I soon needed to be. They helped me to check-in with myself mentally and ensure I was retaining the information I needed to know. I also appreciated that all of the supervised practice classes on Brightspace remained open throughout the program. It gave me a chance to go back and review quizzes and assignments that I felt I needed a bit extra work on"

Gave Me Confidence"I believe this program did a great job preparing me to become an RD. The additional course work and rotations have given me the confidence to be a successful RD in the near future in any field."

Prepared Me For Entry Level Practice As A Dietician"I loved this program and I feel like it prepared me for entry level practice as a dietitian. I think the repetition through different learning experiences from APEs, course work, and rotations really solidified the concepts that were taught in undergrad and that which are necessary to pass the RD exam. Not only this, but the communication and empathy from all faculty really set this program a part and served as a reflection of what excellent communication looks like and defined an empathetic clinician and professional."

End Results Were Rewarding"Marywood has fostered a program that has helped me to become an effective self directed learner. The success really stems off from being a distance student. Although it was challenging at times, I can say the end results was rewarding. I have grown in developing skills within self motivation and independence. Being a distance student most of the work is done independently within my own time frame. Time management is key into getting the projects I need to get done along with managing and obtaining the hours I need to effectively complete my internship responsibilities. Through this experience I have built a network for myself within the community I live in that will help further my career and professional endeavors. This program has allowed for me to gain the experience needed within obtaining dietetic credited internship hours along with a masters degree at hand. More so, this program experience has made me more equipped and confident to take on the role as an entry level dietitian."

Enjoyed My Experience"I enjoyed my experience as a Marywood intern and am grateful to everyone who served as a preceptor, director, and professor!"

Provides Direction for the RDN Exam"The RDN review class was helpful in providing direction on what to study and ways to go about studying for the RDN exam."

Part of the Team"I felt like a part of the team. This was one of the best feelings- being able to put all the knowledge I learned to use, on my own, and the RDNs trusting me with their patients."

Prepared Me for My Future"The Marywood University distance dietetic internship was very well organized and has exceptionally prepared me for my future in dietetics."

Each Rotation is Different"Each rotation is so different from the rest, but a good different because there are so many aspects and interactions with patients and various elements of nutrition. The book we used included multiple common diseases along with proper MNT, which I not only found helpful, but interesting."

Prepared for the RDN Exam"The course quizzes, modules, and assignments effectively prepared me to achieve competency for an entry-level job and the RDN exam."

I Feel Confident"I feel confident going into a clinical position with the knowledge I learned over this program."

Beyond My Expectations"This internship has gone beyond my expectations for preparing me for my RD exam and becoming an entry level RD."

Immersive Internship Experience"In my opinion, the best way to learn something is to be immersed in it. I have read textbooks on varying MNT topics but did not feel I fully understood everything until I worked in a hospital and experienced it through this internship."

MNT Rotation Was Amazing"The MNT rotation was amazing. I fell in love with clinical nutrition during the rotation and learned so much."

Real-World Experience"This rotation was a great opportunity to practice MNT and have exposure to real-world situations, patients, conditions, and on-the-job demands and stresses which are essential to clinical dietetic practice. I received 2 very excellent job offers in clinical nutrition during my MNT rotations"

One-on-One Interaction"I appreciate the one on one interaction with faculty bi-weekly. It made me feel like a valued intern and I was able to ask any questions I had come up with during my rotations."


Each year Marywood Dietetic Interns participate in various internship experiences.

2023 Highlights

Meet Intern Alison Bashore!

Alison chose Marywood University because she found it to be a very welcoming, friendly, and personable environment during her undergraduate years. All of her professors have been a tremendous help and an incredible support system throughout her college career. The emphasis on health promotion and overall wellness was incredibly important to her as well as being able to complete her master’s degree in five years.

As a future dietitian, she hopes to work in the community to provide nutrition education and awareness. She also has an interest in nutrition counseling.

Meet Intern Alex Caljean!

Alex chose Marywood to pursue her MSDI because of the wonderful faculty and staff that have made her feel at home since the first time visiting. The program is stellar from an academic standpoint, but what truly sets it apart is how kind, supportive, and encouraging the professors are. The distance internship was of great interest to her because it allows her to have flexibility and choice in my sites and locations, while continuing her education through Marywood.

Alex led a lesson about reading food labels and sodium and gave handouts that were provided by the Seniors First RDN facility.

Meet Intern Katie Costello!

Katie chose Marywood because she truly enjoyed her undergraduate experience as a Nutrition and Dietetics student. When she was granted the opportunity to stay and continue her education at Marywood, it was an easy decision! The Nutrition and Dietetics Department provides a welcoming and encouraging environment to all students. She knew Marywood was exactly where she was meant to be while pursuing her dream of becoming a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN). In the near future, she hopes to work in the clinical field of pediatrics!

Meet Intern Vianett Mena!

Vianett had applied to a Dietetic Internship/Master’s in Nutrition program two times prior and was not accepted.  At that point, she was ready to reconsider her career goals.  However, she received an email from Marywood University saying that they had an opening for a second-round match.  She was uncertain, but with the encouragement of a family friend who is a doctor, she decided to apply.  She had her interview with Stephanie and Micheline, and they were very friendly and personable.  She felt that she had made the right choice, and although she was considering another program, she decided to choose Marywood.

She would like to work in the field of business and communications.  Specifically, she would like to own her own nutrition business.  She is interested in behavioral health nutrition as well as meal planning. 

Meet Intern Abigail Turner!

Abigail chose Marywood because it offered a 5-year master's program, highly rated for the nutrition and dietetics program, and a beautiful campus. She is receiving her master’s degree in sports and human performance nutrition, so she would like to work with a college sports team or a VA program.

Meet Intern Kelsey Banfield!

Kelsey chose Marywood University for her dietetic internship because it is close to home and they offer an onsite internship option. This meant a lot to her, as she wanted to have the chance to complete her internship at sites that are within her own local community. Also, the 5-year program at Marywood allows her to complete her Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, and internship all at the same school.

At this time, she sees herself working somewhere within the clinical field, perhaps for a private practice one day!

See More of Our Interns In Action For 2023

nutrition students internship experiences image collage

2022 Highlights

Time and Temperature
Intern Julianna doing in-service training during her food service management rotation.

Meet Intern Emily Brown Truscott!
Emily chose Marywood because this program allows her to pursue a Master’s degree and complete her dietetics internship from anywhere. she loved the freedom she has to be close to her family, connect with her community, and travel all while working to become a registered dietitian. Marywood is a close-knit community, and she always felt supported and empowered by the faculty and her peers. Emily has yet to choose an area of practice, but she knows her internship rotations will help point her in the right direction. She has special interests in pregnancy nutrition, lactation, and advocacy.

Meet Intern Angela Favorite!
Angela was drawn to Marywood University because it is a faith-based university with a mission to serve others, which aligns with her own values. The distance internship has allowed her to stay in her home in Ohio to do her online coursework; while developing professional contacts in her area to build upon for her future work as a practicing dietitian. Angela will be graduating with her master’s in nutrition in May of 2023 and will take the CDR exam in June.


nutrition students internship experiences image collage

2021 Highlights

Julia Child fun Themed Meal

Intern Francesca carried out a Julia Child themed meal for residents at Elmwood Hills Healthcare Center/Northbrook Behavioral Hospital Services, including purchasing, receiving, storing, and inventory. Here you can see the card (pictured bottom) that she included on each tray so that the residents would know what the occasion was. The back of the card included a website link to Julia Child's first time cooking beef bourguignon - which was on the residents' menu that evening!

Zooming into Health

Celene interned at Three Sisters Kitchen, a non-profit community food space in the heart of downtown Albuquerque that aims to create a space where good food, diverse communities, and economic opportunity come together for a healthier and more vibrant city. During her time there she presented a curriculum, created by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's National Diabetes Prevention Program, after noticing a high prevalence of diabetes risk factors in her community.

Representing the Nutrition Department

Marywood Intern Jessie represents the Wilkes-Barre VA Medical Center nutrition department at a caregiver fair. The VAMC provides family members or friends of veterans with a stipend in exchange for those persons to serve as the veteran's caregiver and take them to appointments and procedures. These fairs occur to familiarize caregivers with the many services  and specialties that the VAMC offers


Computer Match

The Onsite Track and Distance Track slots for the internship are filled through the spring DICAS match process each year. 

First Round Match Process

Candidates that have been successfully matched to the Marywood Dietetic Internship will be notified on the appointment day through the Computer matching process. These candidates must confirm by email with the Program Director that they accept the slot no later than 6 p.m, EST on the appointment day. The Program Director, Micheline Orlowsky, can be reached at No phone calls or emails from unmatched candidates will be accepted at this time.

DICAS Match Process

The Marywood University Dietetic Internship Program participates in Dietetic Internship Centralized Application System (DICAS) Spring Computer Matching Process in April of each year. See the DICAS Applicant Help Center for an overview of the application process. Our Dietetic Internship program will participate in the April 2024 Dietetic Internship Centralized Application process (DICAS) for the first round. DICAS and D & D Digital deadline is February 15, 2024.

  • Information on the Computer Matching Process: DICAS Website.
  • Apply through DICAS spring match online. email
  • Applicants who are not part of the pre-select program must participate in a national computer matching process and must submit a complete electronic (DICAS) internship application.
  • Students also need to register online with D&D Digital and enter contact information, program preferences and pay fees with a credit card on or before the deadline date.
  • Note: Computer matching to a Dietetic Internship is a two-step process that includes completion of the application through DICAS and registering for computer matching with D&D Digital.
  • Please contact D&D Digital for current cost or contact by email at Additional contact information for D&D Digital Systems, Inc. is 304 Main Street - Suite 301, Ames, IA 50010; Phone 515-292-0490; Fax 515-663-9427.
  • Include your GRE Scores (recommended but not required) in the DICAS application. (#2407 Institutional Code). Have your official transcripts and GRE Scores mailed to Mr. Jason Thiel, Graduate Admissions Counselor, Marywood University, 2300 Adams Avenue, Scranton, PA  18509. Should you have any questions about the graduate application process and/or necessary documents for the Masters DI Program please contact
  • It is not required to have preceptors identified as part of the DICAS application process.

Note: The Marywood University Master's Dietetic Internship program has no additional application fees, specific to the university, beyond the application fees for DICAS and D&D Digital.

Second Round Match Process

Following first round match, typically at 12 pm EST on Thursday of that week, second round match opens - D & D Digital will release the names of the DI programs that did not fill their class. Interested candidates, who have not been matched by D&D Digital in the first round, need to follow this program's criteria as listed below:

  1. Unmatched candidates may contact the Dietetic Internship program director and the clinical coordinator when 2nd round match opens at noon EST by submitting their name and contact information along with a copy of their DICAS application as an email attachment to the following email address:
  2. Your downloaded DICAS application must include the list of your DPD courses and grades, work/volunteer experience, and a personal statement.
  3. On the DICAS program designations page, there are instructions to download a pdf.  You also have the option to contact the DICAS customer service line at 617-612-2885 to assist you with obtaining a copy of your DICAS application.
  4. Marywood University’s Dietetic Internship second round applications will be considered beginning at noon on 2nd round match day until all slots are filled.
  5. Please be aware that applications will be reviewed until all slots are filled. The slots could be filled within that first day.  Timely response is crucial to securing a slot if offered.
  6. There is no fee to submit an application to Marywood.

Note: Please do not call the DI program director.

If you choose to disregard the above statement and call the Program Director, please note that due the large volume of calls expected, you may receive a “busy” signal and an option to leave a message. There is no guarantee that the Program Director can return your call. 

Important Note:

  • Second Round: Be sure to indicate which TRACK of the Dietetic Internship you are interested in if slots are available for both; either ONSITE OR DISTANCE.  Distance track facilities are required to be > 125 miles from Scranton, PA. 
  • Please be aware that due to the volume of emails and applications the program director will be unable to confirm receipt of your email or application or let you know if you were not selected.

All students will need to submit a Marywood University Graduate Admissions Application. This is done after you are offered and have accepted a slot in the program through the computer matching process. Acceptance by Graduate Admissions does not guarantee admissions to the internship program. If conditionally accepted you will need to submit your original Verification Statement and final official transcript(s) to the Program Director. 

Note: The Marywood University Master's Dietetic Internship program has no additional application fees, specific to the university, beyond the application fees for DICAS and D&D Digital.

Admission Requirements:

  • A Baccalaureate degree from a U.S. regionally accredited university or college or foreign equivalent as determined by a recognized credentialing agency
  • Verification Statement from an ACEND approved Didactic Program in Dietetics within 5 years of application
    • If >5 years please provide results of an upper level nutrition course such as MNT taken within the past 2 years
  • Relevant work and/or volunteer experiences
  • Minimum DPD GPA of 3.0

Application Requirements:

  • Statement of purpose and goals (Personal Statement)
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • DPD Verification Statement or Declaration of Intent to Complete

The Admissions Decision Is Based On:

  • A completed centralized internship application 

Note: In your personal statement please indicate if you are applying to the Onsite Track or Distance Track.

You have 60 days to submit all the necessary forms for the program following the acceptance of an internship slot if offered.  Once all the paperwork is accepted and approved by the Program Director you will be permitted to be in the program.

Application Completion

Once your graduate application is completed, you will receive a letter from graduate admissions notifying you of your acceptance. At this point, a $500 non-refundable deposit will be required before you can register for classes. The $500 deposit will be paid through the Marywood University Graduate Admissions portal. If you have any questions about this process, please contact the Program Director. Please note that acceptance into the Graduate School does not imply that you have been accepted into the DI Program. 

Note: You are strongly advised to contact the director of the DI program before applying in order to receive any updated information.

Current Marywood students are eligible to apply for pre-select admission to the program. Program paperwork required.

Baccalaureate degree seeking students in the DPD program at Marywood University who meet additional requirements can choose to apply to Marywood's ACEND Accredited Dietetic Internship program through a pre-select process.  Graduates of the option earn a BS in Nutrition and Dietetics, a DPD Verification Statement, an MS in Nutrition and a Dietetic Internship program Verification Statement in 5 years and are eligible to sit for the RDN Exam.  Phase One of the MSDI program includes graduate coursework and begins in the 'bridge' year overlapping the senior year/senior level DPD courses and the first year of the graduate courses.  Students earn the DPD Verification Statement in their fourth academic year of study at Marywood University and Bachelor's degree.  These Pre-Select Students then transfer any completed graduate coursework into MSDI program  which includes their supervised practice starting the summer between academic years four and five.    The supervised practice component includes rotations in facility sites including community nutrition, food systems management, medical nutrition therapy and professional practice and ends in May of the fifth academic year.  Graduate coursework continues to complete a Master's Degree. Please refer to routes of entry graphic for a visual timeline.

Students with an earned BS degree or higher who are completing the DPD requirements can also choose to apply to be pre-selected into Marywood's ACEND Accredited Dietetic Internship program.  This is not a requirement, but instead an option.  Graduates of this option earn a DPD Verification Statement, an MS in Nutrition, and a Dietetic Internship program Verification Statement and are eligible to sit for the RDN Exam.  Pre-selects transfer completed graduate coursework after the DPD requirements are completed. The MSDI may vary for these students depending on the graduate coursework required for them.  Students earn their DPD Verification Statement in their third academic year of study at Marywood University and transition into the MSDI to begin their supervised practice the summer between academic years three and four.  The supervised practice component includes rotations in facility sites including community nutrition, food systems management, medical nutrition therapy and professional practice and ends in May of the fourth academic year.  Their graduate course work is completed at the same time as the supervised practice. Please refer to routes of entry graphic for a visual timeline Routes of Entry.

Acceptance is contingent upon acceptance from Graduate Admissions at Marywood University.  Admission to the program is competitive.   Up to ten for the onsite track and fifteen for the distance track can potentially be accepted using the ACEND approved pre-select option available to current Marywood students only.  Pre-select applications are due in December/January and require an onsite interview.  Reach out to the Program Director for the specific application due date for the current year.  Those current Marywood students offered and accepting of a slot in the MSDI program at Marywood through the pre-selection process would then no longer need to compete in the national DICAS match.



The Admission Decision for the Pre-Selects is Based On

  • The downloaded centralized internship application (DICAS).
  • The Admission Committee of the program considers the following qualities in the selection process;
    • Academic ability
    • Communication skills
    • Leadership Potential
    • Evidence of the ability to be self-directed and organized
    • Commitment to the profession of dietetics
    • Technological skills

The admissions decision is based on the completed application and an on campus interview for the pre-select candidates.  A minimum GPA together with a point system is used in the Marywood University pre-selection process and applicants are rank ordered.  An on campus interview in conducted during the selection process.

Important: Please indicate which Track you are applying to, either the Onsite Track or Distance Track, in your personal statement.

Your completed graduate admissions application will be processed.  Once your graduate application is completed, you will receive a letter from graduate admissions notifying you of your acceptance into Marywood's graduate school.  At this point, a $500 non-refundable deposit will be required before you can register for classes.  The $500 deposit will be paid through the Marywood University Graduate Admissions portal.  If you have questions about this process, please contact the Program Director.

DI Program Needs

After you accept the slot for this program and the full cohort is identified you will receive an email from the Program Director indicating the date for the virtual orientation meeting including call-in number and access code.  This meeting will be in mid-April to share additional details on the next steps and give you the opportunity to ask questions.  An onsite orientation is held in the summer of the MSDI program prior to beginning supervised practice.  This occurs on campus in the summer between the first and second year of the MSDI program.  Typically this is the last full week of June.

Program paperwork required:

  1. Original Verification Statement of Didactic Program completion.
  2. Medical Clearances are required for Phase Two of the program. Prior to Phase Two, all students must provide evidence of a current physical examination.
    a. See PE form in the FORM section on the side bar. The following forms need to be completed and signed by a physician: Health History-Physical Examination, Immunization Record (in the Forms section).  A current physical, Two Step PPD, proof of Rubeola, Rubella, Mumps and Varicella antibody titer, and Hepatitis B series, and Tdap vaccine (in the last 10 years), is defined as one completed no earlier than May 10th of the year the student plans to begin the supervised practice portion of the program (i.e. May 10, 2021). 
    b. The completed forms should be returned by May 30 to Stephanie Minkoff, Program Director. All forms must be completed prior to the first day of supervised practice.
    c. A flu vaccination is also required for all interns. This vaccination should be obtained in the Fall after Phase Two of the program begins. 
  3. The following Forms (located in the FORMS section): 
    • Registration forms for upcoming coursework
    • Electronic Criminal Record Check Form
    • Child Abuse History Clearance Form
    • FBI Fingerprint Search
    • Drug screen - if required

You are strongly advised to contact the director of the DI program before applying in order to receive any updated information.  

Benefits Of Being A Preceptor For Dietitians And Institutions

  • Recruitment: The institution has the advantage of reviewing the students' performance and screening them for a match as future employees.  Since the student is already familiar with the institution, they require less orientation and training upon hire.
  • Improved quality of care: A study by Zisberg et al. (2003) found that nurses gave a higher quality of care when working with students than when nurses were not working with students. This might be explained because the staff became more aware of their own performance and focused more intently on the care they were providing when working with the students.
  • Professional development:  Student presence and questions stimulate and intellectually challenge staff.  They bring fresh ideas and up-to-date information.  For example, many facilities have received assistance from interns with implementing the Nutrition Care Process.
  • Provide assistance with job responsibilities and additional duties:  For example, students can be asked to develop educational materials, analyze menus or teach classes that staff might not have the extra time to complete. 
  • Personal satisfaction: Experienced by staff who mentor students.

Free Online Preceptor Training

As of June 1, 2017, preceptors may record a total of 15 CPEUs per 5-year cycle for precepting and/or leadership on your Activity Log. For more information and  visit The Commission on Dietetic Registration which offers a free Online Dietetic Preceptor Training Module worth 8 CPEUs.

Dietetics Preceptor Training Program 

 CDR discussion on Preceptor CPEs

Preceptor Verification Form

Preceptor Material 

Coding and Billing Handbook: A Guide for Program Directors and Preceptors - free for Academy members

This Handbook provides foundation knowledge and suggested supervised practice experiences to help interns become competent in this area. 

Be a Member of the DPG: Nutrition and Dietetic Educators and Preceptors (NDEP) 

The dietetic education system is multi-tiered; consisting of didactic program instructors and directors, supervised practice program directors and preceptors.  NDEP is the practice group for Dietetic Educators and Preceptors.  

All the faculty in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at Marywood University are members and has found their membership as extremely worthwhile. The annual NDEP meeting is usually in the month of April and provides ~ 10 CPEs in 1.5 days.

Preceptor of the Year (2022)

Julie Leonard, RDN, CD of Lourdes Hospital


Onsite Track

The dietetic internship program - onsite track is a full time program that will require students to come to Marywood University in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

The student will be placed in facilities/agencies in the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre or surrounding area and attend classes on campus. The DI program onsite track includes 36 graduate credits consisting of graduate coursework and supervised practice rotations or experiential coursework. Upon successful completion of the DI program onsite track, the onsite intern is eligible to take the RDN exam.

Facilities used for the onsite track placements will be in a 120-mile radius. Distances greater than 100 miles per day may be required for all rotations as well as the special pediatric rotation (CHOP).

NoteStudents who have completed a minimum of a Bachelor's degree and a Didactic Program approved or accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) are eligible to apply. Acceptance is contingent upon acceptance from Graduate Admissions at Marywood University. Admission to the program is competitive. Up to 15 students are selected for the onsite track. Up to 10 of those 15 can potentially be accepted using the ACEND approved pre-select option available to current Marywood students only. Reach out to the Program Director for the specific application due date and additional details regarding the pre-select option for current Marywood Students.

Distance track

The dietetic internship program - distance track is a full time program that allows the student to live anywhere, however, they are required to utilize facilities/agencies that are more than 125 miles from Marywood University.

This is an online graduate Master's program which incorporates the internship component. Upon successful completion of all program components of the Distance track, the intern has a Masters degree in Nutrition plus DI verification statement and is eligible to take the RDN exam.

For Marywood University's program it is not required to have preceptors identified as part of the DICAS application process. The distance track is a full-time program. Phase One is completed in the first year with online graduate coursework. Phase two begins in the summer session of that year with continued online graduate coursework combined with supervised practice. The distance track intern will be responsible for locating sites for their supervised practice rotations. This is not required in the DICAS application. The Program Director and Clinical Coordinator do offer guidance throughout the first year to assist students but it is ultimately the responsibility of the intern to locate their sites for the distance track. This allows interns to remain in their preferred location anywhere throughout the United States.  The distance track interns are only required to come on campus for the orientation held in the summer between Phase One and Phase Two prior to starting their supervised practice rotations. Onsite orientation is typically held in the last full week of June between the first and second year.

The graduate credits will count as part of the curriculum for the Master of Science (MS). Upon completion of the Master's DI Program - distance track, the intern is eligible to take the RDN exam.

NoteStudents who have completed a minimum of a Bachelor's degree and a Didactic Program approved or accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) are eligible to apply. Acceptance is contingent upon acceptance from Graduate Admissions at Marywood University. Admission to the program is competitive. Up to thirty students are selected for the distance track. Up to fifteen of those thirty can potentially be accepted using the ACEND approved pre-select option available to current Marywood students only. Reach out to the Program Director for the specific application due date and additional details regarding the pre-select option for current Marywood Students.

Admissions Calendar