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  • Retention
Office of Academic Success

We're Here to Help

Our team works closely with students who are struggling academically. We provide individual academic counseling and workshops to assist students in being successful here at Marywood. We work the following students:

In addition, we work with students who need to take a leave of absence along with students who are thinking about leaving the University. We try to see if we can identify the reasons for the leave in order to possibly offer some solutions.

We also work with students who miss classes due to unforeseen events, such as a death in the family, car accident, or medical issues that will require the student to miss classes for more than one or two days.

We work closely with faculty members using an Early Alert System to identify students who may be academically at risk due to missing classes.

If you would like to connect with one of our Academic Success team members please email us at or give us a call at 570-348-6211 x6043.