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Bachelor of Business Administration in Management (BBA)

Develop Your Business Career Strategy with a Business Management Degree

Determining how–and where–to prepare for your future business career is the first executive decision you'll make. Pursuing a Management degree at Marywood University can be a central part of your overall strategy. Our School of Business and Global Innovation prepares you to become an effective, successful business manager in areas that interest you—Sports, Hospitality, Health, and General Management.

Based on its “three pillars of excellence”–ethical leadership, industry-relevant skills, and entrepreneurship–the integrated curriculum within the School of Business and Global Innovation provides you with the required tools and training to succeed in the competitive business environment. You’ll find supportive faculty with practical and academic knowledge of business, fascinating internship opportunities, and the foundation for a career in the business world of today and tomorrow. With connections to an array of outstanding corporations at the local, regional, and national levels, our program helps you get the real world experience necessary to distinguish you from other graduating college students. Business leaders are called upon to develop flexible, creative strategies for success in a competitive global economy. As a Marywood Business graduate, you’ll be well prepared for managerial and administrative leadership through a broad-based business curriculum integrated with the liberal arts.

Whatever your individual goals, our 63-credit Management program will prepare you to contribute to the development of organizational structure, staffing requirements, planning, and handling labor relations problems, with courses like Managerial Decision-Making, Small Business Management, and more.

  • Tracks in Sports, Hospitality, and Health Management
  • Internship opportunities
  • ACBSP accreditation 

Top Employers

  • Large Corporations
  • Non-Profit Organizations
  • Marketing Firms
  • Retail Facilities

Top Career Paths

  • Marketing Manager
  • General Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Sales Manager

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Undergraduate Admissions Requirements

  • Completed application
  • Official transcripts
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Official SAT and/or ACT test scores (Marywood is test optional)
  • Essay (optional)

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The front of the McGowan Center with a metal fence serving as a railing over an edge

McGowan Center for Graduate and Professional Studies

1201 University Avenue
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The McGowan Center for Graduate and Professional Studies, located on the corner of University and North Washington Avenues, contains classrooms and related clinical/professional space for Communication Sciences and Disorders, Psychology and Counseling, Education, and Business students. Market Marywood is also located here.

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Wall art within the Entrepreneur Launch Pad in the Learning Commons

Entrepreneur Launch Pad

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The Entrepreneur Launch Pad (ELP), located on the third floor of the Learning Commons, fosters a climate of entrepreneurship that helps students across all academic disciplines to explore commercial opportunities based on their innovative business ideas.

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Morris K. Udall Scholarship

The Udall Foundation seeks future leaders across a wide spectrum of environmental fields, including policy, engineering, science, education, urban planning and renewal, business, health, justice, and economics. The Foundation also seeks future Native American and Alaska Native leaders in public and community health care, tribal government, and public policy affecting Native American communities, including land and resource management, economic development, and education.

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Pannone, Michelle L


Lou, Hongyang


McDonald, Joseph A


Nestico, Anthony J


Yost-Cotrone, Lori A


Management (Various Tracks), Bachelor of Business Administration

Program Requirements for Management Majors (63-64 Credits)

The Management degree prepares students for managerial and administrative careers in all types of organizations. In addition to the general management track, students may opt for a Management concentration track in either Hospitality Management or Sports Management.

The student majoring in Management is required to complete 63-64 credits in the School of Business and Global Innovation, including the Business core and the following required classes (9 credits):

BUS 370International Business Management


BUS 424Managerial Decision-Making


BUS 461The Leadership Process in the GlobalýMarketplace


Hospitality, Management Track

The concentration in Hospitality Management prepares students to perform managerial-level jobs in service organizations that have lodging and/or food service components, including hotels, resorts, tourism, restaurants, recreation industries, school districts, and hospitals.

In addition to the nine-credit Management core, Hospitality Management students are required to complete the following 19 credits:

BUS 122Introduction to Hospitality


BUS 245Front Office Management


BUS 319Dimensions of Tourism


BUS 427Banquet and Convention Management


BUS 451Business Internship


ND 103Basic and Culinary Foods


ND 138Food and Safety


Health Services Administration, Management Track

This concentration track prepares students for entry-level positions in the health services industry. The program provides the knowledge and skills necessary for administrative positions in hospitals, medical clinics, nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities, and managed-care organizations. In addition to the required 9 credits in the Management core, students in this track are required to complete the following four (4) courses, along with two elective classes:

BUS 380Ethical Leadership and Corporate SocialýResponsibility


HSA 420Introduction to Health ServicesýAdministration


BUS 451Business Internship


BUS XXX - Healthcare Informatics (3 credits) is also required.

Students will also select two (2) of the following elective courses:

HSA 430 - Aging Issues (3 credits)

SOC 211 - Introduction to Sociology (3 credits)

SOC 214 - Social Problems (3 credits)

SOC 350 - Medical Sociology (3 credits)

Management Track

The broadest concentration track provides students with knowledge and skills in all areas of the managerial process, and the classes cover a variety of topics relevant to running a business and leading multiple types of organizations.

The following courses are required (18 credits):

BUS 306Electronic Commerce


BUS 323Money and Banking


BUS 380Ethical Leadership and Corporate SocialýResponsibility


BUS 425Entrepreneurship and Small BusinessýOperations


BUS 432Accounting for Management


BUS 451Business Internship



Business Elective


Sports Management Track

The concentration in Sports Management prepares students to perform managerial-level jobs in the areas of recreation and athletics organizations, including professional sports teams, recreational centers, athletics departments, event management, and fitness centers. 

In addition to the nine-credit management core, Sports Management students are required to complete the following 18 credits.


BUS 112 Principles of Salesmanship 3
BUS 262 Legal/Ethical Issues in Sports Management 3
BUS 465 Sports Analytics 3
BUS 365 Sports Marketing 3
BUS 265 Event and Facility Management 3
BUS 451 Internship 3

Sustainable Design Minor

Adding this minor will allow you to:

  • Work across disciplines to develop skills in design thinking and problem solving.
  • Gain a foundation in the biophysical, social science, and humanities-based understandings of the environment as well as examples of stewardship, advocacy, and policies that align individual action with collective well-being.
  • Gain an awareness of our interconnected world and be better prepared to develop integrated solutions to complex environmental problems.


Two intro environmental courses (6 credits):

EVST 101 Intro to Environmental Studies
ENVS 216 Intro to Sustainability

One course (3 credits) in Science or Math (core requirement):

MATH 170 Mathematical Applications in Biology ENVS 261 Earth Science I
ENVS 262 Earth Science II
ENVS 212 Intro to Meteorology
EVST 200 Climate Change

Three courses (9 credits) from the following list:

ART 241 Digital Design
ART 416 Social Impact Design
ART 448 Packaging Design
ART 425 Printmaking: Screen Printing
ART 226 Basic Printmaking
BUS 123 Management and Career Options
BUS 425 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Operations
BUS 461 The Leadership Process in the Global Marketplace
BUS 423 Design-Think Experience
BUS 380 Ethical Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility BUS 341 Organizational Behavior
ENVS 339 Community Design Build - Environmental Advocacy I ENVS 4XX Community Design Build - Environmental Advocacy II ENVS 494 Undergraduate Research
ENVS 498 Internship
ENVS 499 Independent Study

From #DayOne, Marywood is here for you each step of the way.

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