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Deals and specials for Marywood Students!

See a movie at Montage Mountain for a special discounted price. Movie passes for the Cinemark movie theater can be purchased in the Student Engagement Office for just $5.00.

Cinemark Moosic

Annual Student Events

Orientation occurs every July and is a vital part of your college experience. You will set foot on campus for the first time as a Marywood student. There will be opportunities to meet other classmates in small groups and with your academic advisor, as well as to learn about campus services and activities. Of course, there will also be a lot of time for fun!

Welcome Weekend is a two-day program for all residential and commuter first-year students.

Family Weekend is a 3-day program for all residential and commuter first-year students. Events throughout the weekend will take place both on and off-campus, allowing for our new students to get a better feel of life at Marywood and Northeast Pennsylvania.

Student Events

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