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Marian Chapel

The Swartz Center for Spiritual Life is home to Campus Ministry and features the beautiful Marian Chapel, with its two-story stained glass doors that can be opened for special outdoor liturgical celebrations. The Eucharistic Liturgy (Mass) is celebrated each Sunday, and the chapel is open daily as a place of communal or private prayer.

Blessed Sacrament Chapel

The Blessed Sacrament chapel, located to the right of the altar in the Marian Chapel, is an inviting space for private adoration and prayer. 

Eucharistic adoration takes place at designated times throughout the year.

See Campus Ministry announcements, Facebook, or Instagram for days and times.

Interfaith Prayer Room

Marywood is proud to be a welcoming community for students from many faith traditions. The Interfaith Prayer Room provides a place within the Swartz Center for Spiritual Life (Room 163) for prayer, reflection, and contemplation. There are prayer tools from a variety of faith traditions available, and the room is open to anyone who wants a quiet place to clear their minds. The Interfaith Prayer Room is open at any time that the Swartz Center is open, generally 8:30 AM – 10:00 PM during the academic year. If you have any questions about the Interfaith Prayer Room, please contact

Memorial Garden

The Learning Commons has become the intellectual and social heart of campus. So it is only fitting that in the area directly in front of this gateway to bold ideas, we celebrate the bold hearts that founded the IHM Congregation in 1845 and Marywood in 1915. The focal point of this memorial is a fountain in honor of the IHM Congregation and its founders, at the exact site where the Motherhouse Chapel was once located.