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Campus Locations > Reflection Room

The Marywood Reflection room, tinted pink, with a few chairs and accompanying lamps

Reflection Room

Map & Directions

Marywood is proud to provide a site in which members of the University community can step out of their busy schedules for a moment or two of contemplation. We invite members of our Marywood University community to use the space.

Location: Liberal Arts Center, Room 219 (Second Floor)
Accessible via the middle stairway near the Admissions Department or the elevator. 

Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Rules Governing Reflection Room Use

  1. During operating hours, the Room is dedicated for individuals and groups wishing to engage in structured or unstructured reflection.
  2. The Reflection Room is not intended as a study space. Please use other areas of the campus, including the library for this purpose.
  3. Please keep the room as quiet as possible.
  4. No electronic devices are permittedincluding but not limited to computers, cell phones, tablets, etc. Please turn off all such devices before entering.
  5. No food or beverages are allowed.
  6. The room may be used on a first-come, first-served basis. Different individuals and groups may occupy the room at the same time. Without imposing any time limits, the University asks that individuals using the room be sensitive to the concerns and needs of others who may also wish to use the room. The primary criterion for using the room is mutual respect and consideration.
  7. Please direct questions, comments, and concerns to international@marywood.edu.

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