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Parking Resources

Revised September 20, 2011

Accessible Parking

Use of an accessible parking space is restricted by law to vehicles occupied by persons who are disabled and which display an authorized accessible parking plate, placard, or permit. Persons issued a state plate, placard, or permit must have a state-issued disability I.D. card on their possession.

It is not legal for any person to use parking reserved for accessible parking if the person to whom the plate, placard, or permit was issued is not in the vehicle.

A number of parking spaces on campus have been reserved as “Accessible Parking”. These spaces are typically located in the lots and rows closest to buildings.

Students, faculty, and staff who have a valid accessible parking plate or placard issued by their home states department of transportation must provide their state-issued card upon registering their vehicle on campus. Once Campus Safety receives documentation, an accessible parking sticker will be provided to the student, faculty, or staff member at no additional cost. The sticker must be displayed next to their Marywood University parking pass.

Registering Your Vehicle for Accessible Parking

  • Persons with disabilities who require an accessible parking registration plate or placard must complete required form with Department of Transportation where their vehicle is registered.
  • When registering your vehicle with the Department of Campus Safety, you will be required to complete the same paperwork as all other students, faculty, and staff, in addition to;
    • A copy of your state-issued disability card from the Department of Transportation where your vehicle is registered is required to receive an accessible parking sticker.
    • When proper documents are received during registration, you will receive an accessible parking sticker to be placed next to your Marywood University parking pass.

Enforcement of Accessible Parking

  • All unregistered vehicles will be issued tickets by the Department of Campus Safety
  • Vehicles on Campus with an accessible parking plate or placard must also display the accessible parking sticker provided by Campus Safety during registration.
  • Students, faculty, and staff are prohibited from using accessible parking placards/registrations and stickers that are not issued to them on Marywood property.
  • Violations for accessible parking will be issued tickets at the cost of $100.

Revised January 2017

The parking regulations and procedures for Marywood University was developed in accordance with regulations set forth in Title 75 of the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code.

Any person in control of a motor vehicle (including motorcycle) who wishes to park or leave standing on campus are subject to the provisions outlined herein. Vehicles parked on the campus of Marywood University must display a valid parking decal or a daily parking permit, which are available in the Campus Safety Department.

General parking regulations including lot designations, enforcement hours, and parking fee rates are updated annually and published on our website and in the student handbook.

I. General Parking Provisions (all parking areas)

  • All permits must be clearly visible and properly displayed to be valid (adhered to lower driver's side windshield above inspection sticker)
  • Decals are not transferrable between parties; they can be used only by the person to whom the decal was assigned.
  • Vehicles parked on campus must be in operable condition, currently registered with the Department of Transportation and display proof of current registration.
  • Yellow zones are for the loading and unloading of vehicles.
  • Motorcycles, mopeds, powered scooters, and motorized bikes are prohibited from parking at bicycle racks.
  • Double parking is prohibited on any campus roadway.
  • Sleeping overnight in vehicles is prohibited.
  • Abandoned vehicles, vehicles with 5 or more citations, or those that pose a serious hazardous condition will be towed away at the owner’s expense.
  • Marywood University assumes no responsibility for vehicles parked on campus.

II. Motor Vehicle Regulations

  • A valid permit must be displayed on the vehicle.
  • It is not necessary to purchase more than one parking pass.
  • Parking permits must be displayed on the inside driver’s side windshield. Vehicles are not considered registered unless the permit is displayed.

III. Accessible Parking

  • Use of an accessible parking space is restricted by law to vehicles occupied by persons who are disabled and which display an authorized accessible parking plate, placard, or permit. Persons issued a state plate, placard, or permit must have a state-issued disability I.D. card in their possession.
  • It is not legal for any person to use parking reserved for accessible parking if the person to whom the plate, placard, or permit was issued is not in the vehicle.
  • Students, faculty, or staff who have a valid accessible parking plate or placard from their state's Department of Transportation must provide their state-issued card upon registering their vehicle. Once Campus Safety receives documentation, an accessible parking sticker will be provided to the student, faculty, or staff member at no additional cost, to be displayed next to their Marywood University parking pass.

IV. Vehicle Permits

  1.  Permits can be applied for online and picked up at Campus Safety with a valid photo ID. If the permit is lost or stolen, it must be reported to the Department of Campus Safety immediately.
  2. Faculty/Staff permits are issued as needed. The permits are valid for the duration of employment. A permit may be obtained by bringing a copy of your vehicle registration and photo ID to the Department of Campus Safety.
  3. Visitors/Guests may receive temporary parking passes free of charge. A one-day or temporary pass can be obtained by contacting the Department of Campus Safety or by calling 570-348-6242. No permits are required during times when school is not in session, however all signs restricting parking must be enforced.
  4. All students must obtain a new parking permit at the beginning of the academic year.

V. Where to Park

    All parking lots require a permit to park unless noted otherwise above. Parking lot locations and designations:

    1. Tennis Courts/Maintenance/Healthy Family Center: Faculty/Staff
    2. Visual Arts Center - Lower Lot: Commuter Students
    3. Visual Arts Center - Upper Lot: Faculty/Staff
    4. Liberal Arts Center Lot: Faculty/Administration
    5. Performing Arts Center: Faculty/Staff
    6. Conway Circle: Admissions Only
    7. Nazareth Student Center - Small Lot: Commuter Students
    8. Nazareth Student Center - Large Lot: Commuter Students
    9. University Avenue Hill: Staff
    10. McGowan Center - Large Lot: Residents/General
    11. McGowan Center - Side Lot: Faculty
    12. Center for Athletics and Wellness - Rear Lot: Open to all permits/visitors-except resident
    13. Center for Athletics and Wellness - Front Lot: Handicapped as marked and 4 visitor spots as marked
    14. Veterans Resource Center: Veterans Center Guests Only
    15. Upper and Lower Softball Fields: Residents
    16. Maria Hall: University Advancement
    17. Dimmick Court: Faculty
    18. Admissions: 2 reserved spots in front of the LAC
    19. Swartz Center: 6 Staff (Campus Ministry, Conference & Events Staff); 11 Visitors (the visitors designations are for off campus visitors only, they are not for faculty, students or staff)
    20. Jackson Court (Front of SOA/VAC): Handicapped Parking and 15 Minute Drop Off Area. No Parking in Grass or the Circles

    VI. Traffic Regulations

      • Student/Faculty/Staff obtaining a parking decal are responsible for violations incurred by their vehicle on Marywood property. The registered individual will be responsible for all violations of parking and traffic regulations. Permit-holders are not permitted to loan, sell or transfer the use of their decal on any other vehicle.
      • A vehicle will be considered in violation and be fined $50 if:
      1. Not properly registered;
      2. Stopped or standing in a fire zone;
      3. Parked in a no parking zone;
      4. Speeding or driving recklessly. [Campus Speed limit is set at 10 mph.]
      • All unauthorized vehicles parked in a fire lane or an accessible parking space are subject to being towed at the owner’s expense. Local law enforcement is also permitted to enforce parking violations on campus.

      VII. Vehicles Not Registered

      Any vehicle on campus that is not registered will be ticketed, and the registration will be recorded. After the third offense involving the unregistered vehicle, a warning decal will be placed on the vehicle. The operator/owner has 24 hours to register the vehicle with Campus Safety. Failing to register the vehicle after the third violation will result in the vehicle being wheel locked (booted). The owner/operator must take the following steps to have the “boot” removed;

      • Pay a $25 wheel lock removal fee
      • Recommend that the vehicle be registered to avoid further sanctions.

      VIII. Registered Vehicles

      All vehicle operators must recognize that Department of Campus Safety personnel have the authority to investigate the use of a particular lot, or deny access to a lot. Application for a receipt of a permit constitutes agreement to follow all parking regulations. Individuals with registered vehicles that accumulate in excess of $100 in fines, and demonstrate a failure to pay these fines, will be subject to having their parking privileges revoked. If this action is taken, no refund of the permit fee will be considered. Re-instatement of parking privileges will only be considered after all outstanding fees have been paid in full.

      IX. Citation Appeals Process

        The procedures herein apply to all Marywood University faculty, staff, students, visitors, and others that use University owned parking facilities. This procedure is designed assist the University administration in evaluating the parking program, to highlight problem areas, to provide learning experiences to those who receive citations while using Marywood University parking facilities, to provide an avenue to correct enforcement errors, and to provide a means of redress.

          1. Requests for an appeal should be made by completing a written appeal form which is provided outside the Campus Safety Office.
          2. The Appeal and proof of payment must be submitted to the Campus Safety Office within (30) days of  issuance to be considered, failure to do both will void the appeal process. Once the Citation is voided the appeal process is complete and the payment will be refunded. If an Appeal is returned for lack of payment, the appeal can be resubmitted with the proper documentation prior to the next months meeting.
          3. A parking panel consisting of the Chief of Campus Safety (Chair), 1 faculty member, 1 professional staff member, 1 undergraduate commuter student, 1 undergraduate resident student, and 1 support staff member will review all appeals on a monthly basis.
          4. All students, faculty, and staff making appeals will receive a written notice on the disposition of their appeal.

        X. Towing Regulation

        Vehicles found in violation of the following may be towed from campus to a designated storage facility:

        1. Unauthorized parking in a space designated 24-hour towing.
        2. Unauthorized parking in an accessible parking space.
        3. Parking in a no parking area, landscape or sidewalk.
        4. Repeat offenders parked illegally. Repeat offenders will be defined as those who have received five or more citations. (paid or unpaid) in a six-month period.
        5. Abandoned vehicles.
        6. Unauthorized parking in a reserve space and/or lot.
        7. A vehicle that has an immobilization device on it and remains unclaimed after 24 hours.
        8. In addition to any fine assessed, the owner of a towed vehicle is responsible for payment of any towing and/or storage fee charge for such towing.

        XI. Vehicle Immobilization (Booting)

        1. Any vehicle which has four or more unpaid citations may be immobilized by use of a wheel boot.
        2. Wheel boots must be removed by Marywood University Campus Safety, following payment of the boot removal fee and all other outstanding fines.

        XII. Miscellaneous

        The following blocks in the Borough of Dunmore are restricted to “Permit Parking Only”. The residential permits give exclusive use ONLY to the registered homeowner or resident.

        • 1300 -1400 College Ave.
        • 2200 Madison Ave.
        • 1300-1400 Woodlawn Street
        • 2100 Adams Ave.
        • 2100-2200 Jefferson Ave.

        The following blocks in the City of Scranton are restricted to “Permit Parking Only”. The residential permits give exclusive use ONLY to the registered homeowner or resident.

          • 1200 University Ave. (residential side only)
          • 2400 Dimmick Court
          • 1200 Seminary Street (residential side only)
          • 2300 North Washington Ave.
          • 2500 North Washington Ave.
          • 2200-2300 Adams Ave.
          • 1200 Woodlawn Street

          XIII. Parking Committee

          The University also has a standing committee “parking committee “ that is responsible for:

          • Assessing the parking needs of various constituencies;
          • Formulating suggested policy and procedures;
          • Recommending changes to existing parking rules and regulations.

          a map of the Sidewalk Snow Emergency Travel RouteBuildings and Grounds has identified a Sidewalk Snow Emergency Travel Route. The snow route will be given first priority for snow removal, salting, etc. All other sidewalks will be cleaned and treated when the emergency route is clear.


          Resident Student Winter Parking Plan

          In order for the University’s Buildings and Grounds Department to efficiently and effectively clean up and treat campus roads and parking lots, we request that all resident students adhere to the following procedures. You will be notified by e-mail and E-2 Campus as to when you must move your vehicles to the designated lots.

          • Upon request all resident students must move their vehicles to one of the following parking lots prior to the pending snowstorm; either of the two freshman lots, the baseball field lot, or the pit parking lot.
          • If your academic schedule or employment requires that you leave campus, please park as near to the maintenance building as possible, should you need assistance.
          • If you leave your vehicle on campus when you leave for the winter or spring breaks, we request that you park your vehicle in the upper freshman parking lot.
          • Failure to adhere to the above request, when initiated, may result in a parking violation.

          To provide for the safest possible environment for the entire Marywood University community, we ask that you adhere to all these requests.

          Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

          Parking Lots

          All parking lots require a permit to park, unless designated as Visitor. Parking permits will be issued in advance for those attending events or programs coordinated by Conference & Events Services.

          A. Admissions (Conway Circle - Arch Loop): Admissions Parking Only

          B. Center for Athletics and Wellness: 235 General Parking (no residents)

          C. Immaculata Hall Front: President's Guests Only

          D. LAC Lot (Rear): 49 Faculty/Admin (11 reserved)

          E. McGowan Center: approx. 170 General parking spaces, 80 Woodland Resident spaces

          F. McGowan Side Lot: Faculty only

          G. Nazareth Large Lot: 151 Commuter spaces

          H. Nazareth Small Lot: 84 Commuter spaces

          I. PAC Main Lot: 15 Faculty, 77 Staff spaces

          J. PAC Rear (Dimmick Court): 21 Faculty spaces

          K. Softball Field: Staff Only (approx 20 spaces)

          L. Softball Lower Lot: Residents Only (101 spaces)

          M. Softball Upper Lot: Residents Only (69 spaces)

          N. Swartz Center Lot: Swartz Center Visitors/Staff Only (2 hr. limit)

          O. Tennis Courts/Maintenance Lot: 52 Staff spaces

          P. University Avenue Hill: 32 Staff spaces

          Q. Veterans Resource Center: Veterans Center Guests/Staff

          R. Visual Arts Lower Lot (Pit): 202 Commuter spaces

          S. Visual Arts Upper Lot: 41 Faculty, 49 Staff spaces