Remember to use your unique username (your MarywoodYou username) +
Your password is the same as your MarywoodYou password
Username: eng00 Docuphase Username: OR
Username: tsmith Docuphase Username:
A. Admissions (Conway Circle - Arch Loop): Admissions Parking Only
B. Center for Athletics and Wellness: 235 General Parking (no residents)
C. Immaculata Hall Front: President's Guests Only
D. LAC Lot (Rear): 49 Faculty/Admin (11 reserved)
E. McGowan Center: approx. 170 General parking spaces, 80 Woodland Resident spaces
F. McGowan Side Lot: Faculty only
G. Nazareth Large Lot: 151 Commuter spaces
H. Nazareth Small Lot: 84 Commuter spaces
I. PAC Main Lot: 15 Faculty, 77 Staff spaces
J. PAC Rear (Dimmick Court): 21 Faculty spaces
K. Softball Field: Staff Only (approx 20 spaces)
L. Softball Lower Lot: Residents Only (101 spaces)
M. Softball Upper Lot: Residents Only (69 spaces)
N. Swartz Center Lot: Swartz Center Visitors/Staff Only (2 hr. limit)
O. Tennis Courts/Maintenance Lot: 52 Staff spaces
P. University Avenue Hill: 32 Staff spaces
Q. Veterans Resource Center: Veterans Center Guests/Staff
R. Visual Arts Lower Lot (Pit): 202 Commuter spaces
S. Visual Arts Upper Lot: 41 Faculty, 49 Staff spaces
Info For: