Architecture Kit
Students in Architecture, Interior Architecture, and Virtual Architecture are required to have the materials included in the Architecture Kit. Although not required, architecture kits may be ordered at the Marywood Gear Shop. If you have any questions, please contact interim Director Jodi La Coe.
Laptop Requirement
Laptop computers are required for all Architecture, Interior Architecture, Virtual Architecture, and Construction Management students at the start of their first year. Our laptop minimum specifications ensure that students are suitably equipped with a flexible, portable means of computing in the classroom and dormitory and/or apartment.
We have selected PC laptop computers rather than Macs because they best suit the University's PC-oriented computing platforms across the campus and because the majority of architectural offices are currently PC-based. The School's required courses have all PC-based instruction.
Minimum specifications:
- 3.0 Ghz multi–Core CPU
- 16 GB RAM (Memory)
- 512 GB SSD
- 6 GB Video Card
Preferred specifications:
- 3.5 Ghz multi–Core CPU
- 32 GB RAM (Memory)
- 1 TB SSD
- 8 GB Video Card
Although not required, laptop computers that meet the School of Architecture specifications may be ordered at the Marywood Gear Shop. If you have any questions, please contact interim Director Jodi La Coe.
Travel Opportunities
Study abroad has been an important aspect of architectural education since the 17th century and arguably since ancient times. Increasingly, architecture, engineering, and construction professions are global endeavors. Students in Architecture and Interior Architecture are required to study abroad for one semester during their third year of study at ISI Florence. For students in Construction Management and Virtual Architecture, there are many opportunities to study abroad. For more information, please visit our Study Abroad Office.
If an Architecture or Interior Architecture student is unable to participate in the required study abroad program, please contact interim Director Jodi La Coe as soon as possible to apply for an exemption and alternate experience.
Architecture Licensure
In the United States, the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) administers the licensing process for architects. For students interested in becoming licensed architects, the School of Architecture offers access to information and guidance on the steps required in the path toward licensure including education, experience (AXP), exams (ARE), and registration. Our NCARB Licensing Advisor Elizabeth Andrzejewski instructs and assists current students in starting their NCARB Record.
More information on the process of licensure.
More information on ARE Pass Rates.
In addition, the websites below offer an array of information to assist in career development:
Interior Architecture Certification
In the United States, the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) administers the certification process for interior architects and designers. For students interested in becoming certified interior architects, the School of Architecture offers access to information and guidance on the steps required in the path toward certification including education, experience, exams, and registration. Our NCIDQ campus coordinator Jim Sullivan instructs and assists current students in starting their NCIDQ Account.
More information on the process of certification.
In addition, the websites below offer an array of information to assist in career development:
American Society of Interior Designers (AISD)
Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC)
International Interior Design Association (IIDA)
Construction Management Certification
To become a Certified Construction Manager (CCM) in the United States, the Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) requires a combination of an accredited degree in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC), Responsible in Charge (RIC) experience hours, and certification exams administered by the Construction Manager Certification Institute (CMCI). Our Construction Management program coordinator Arturo Pavani instructs and assists current students in starting their certification process.
More information on the process of certification.
In addition, the websites below offer an array of information to assist in career development:
American Council for Construction Education (ACCE)
Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC)
Associated Schools of Construction (ASC)
Virtual Architecture
There is no professional certification required for Film and Game Environment Designers. Our Virtual Architecture program coordinator Ryan Scavnicky instructs and assists current students in developing their career aspirations. The follow websites are the top professional organizations related to these career paths:
Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA)
Entertainment Software Association (ESA)
International Game Developers Association (IGDA)