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Rosalyn Page


Taking excellence to new heights: How Rosalyn Page embodies Marywood University's core values

From studying abroad to serving in student government, Rosalyn Page is making her college experience worthwhile. 

Inspired by her father’s career in the military, Page enlisted in the National Guard at just 17 years old, but wanted to also attend college to have a well-rounded education and the typical student- life experiences. Page is majoring in aviation management and minoring in Chinese to achieve her dream of serving her country as an officer in the United States Army.

Marywood University was the only school to which she applied, because of its Aviation program and the distance to Marywood from her hometown of Coudersport, PA. Combining her thrill-seeking nature with her desire to develop foundational business skills from management courses, Page chose to major in aviation management. 

Soon after starting college, she joined the women’s rugby team, and later played for the Eastern Pennsylvania Rugby Union (EPRU) on the national level. In January, her EPRU team placed second in the nation at the National Collegiate Rugby’s All Star tournament. She was even offered the opportunity to play at the international level in Peru this summer.

Rosalyn smiles outside of Marywood University's Liberal Arts Center

Now in her senior year, she serves as the Vice President of the Student Government Association (SGA). In her role as VP, she helps student representatives achieve their goals by connecting them to staff and faculty and providing resources they may need. Prior to becoming the SGA Vice President, she served as the Veterans Affairs representative to make a difference in the lives of veterans and service members on campus. With humility, Page credits her fellow student representatives for inspiring the work she does in SGA, “I absolutely love how many students are passionate about making this campus better.” 

To other students interested in getting involved in leadership on campus, Page encourages them to go for it and to stay in the moment, “If you’re going to do something, put the effort in to be present, to be there, and to give it your all.”

As part of her military training, Page attends Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) sessions through the University of Scranton. Her ROTC training sessions include physical training, tactical and leadership courses, and occasional trips to military bases in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Through an ROTC sponsored program, Project GO (Global Officer), Page has studied abroad in Taiwan twice as a way to practice her Chinese, which is designated as a “critical language” by the ROTC. Familiarity with critical languages is considered vital for military members for use in  situations of national security. During her time in Taiwan, Rosalyn practiced her Chinese proficiency and became immersed in the Asian culture and community.

Rosalyn Page during a study abroad trip to Taiwan

After graduating in May, she will be commissioned as an Aviation Officer pursuing further training at U.S. Army Fort Novosel in Dale County, Alabama. 

Page’s commitment to the betterment of the student body and her own personal development is a prime example of the core values of empowerment, service, and excellence that all Pacers should strive to uphold.